The 12th International Congress on Insurance: Mathematics and Economics took place at Northeast China’s city of Dalian during July 16-18, 2008. Co-organized by Tsinghua SEM and School of Finance of Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, IME 2008 was the first IME conference hosted in Asia.

Insurance: Mathematics and Economicis a world-leading academic journal on the areas of Insurance and Actuarial Science. Over the past nine years, the IME Congress has established itself as one of the main actuarial conferences worldwide. The Congress provides researchers — both actuaries and non-actuaries — with the opportunity to present their latest work in the general area of Actuarial Science. The past 11 congresses were all held in Europe or the United States. The IME 2008 was the first ever one with most participants and highest academic level among the international conference on Insurance and Actuarial Science that was held in China so far.
Attendees at the opening ceremony included editor ofInsurance: Mathematics & Economics,Professor Marc Goovaerts; Deputy Mayor of Dalian Zhu Chengqing; Vice President of Dongbei University of Finance & Economics Que Chengyu; Chairman of China Insurance Association Luo Zhongmin; Associate Dean of Tsinghua SEM Professor Chen Zhangwu; Dean of School of Finance of Dongbei University of Finance and Economics Professor Xing Tiancai. Chen Bingzheng, Professor of the Department of Finance at Tsinghua SEM, Director of China Research Center for Insurance and Risk Management, who was also the Chair of Organizing Committee of the Congress, hosted the opening ceremony.
Xia Deren, Mayor of Dalian was present at the welcome dinner of the IME 2008 and delivered a welcome address.
The IME 2008 brought together more than 200 professors from 22 countries and regions. It received 179 papers. The conference included 28 sessions, with 157 academic talks delivered. Discussion topics covered Finance, Risk Theory, Nonlife Insurance, Economics of Insurance, Pension Mathematics, life Insurance, Insurance Market and Empirical study, etc..