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Tsinghua SEM Professors Reappointed in CNAIS Council


China Association for Information Systems (CNAIS) held its 2009 Conference (CNAIS 2009) from October 24 to October 25. On the conference, CNAIS reelected its council, and three professors from Tsinghua SEM continued to take key positions: Professor CHEN Guoqing was reelected as Director of the Council, Professor CHEN Jian as Vice Director of the Council and Secretary General, and Professor HUANG Jinghua as Executive Member of the Council.

Association for Information Systems (AIS) is one of the most important academic associations in the area of information system and information management. CNAIS, established in 2005, is AIS’s brand in China. CNAIS is affiliated under theSystemsEngineering Society of China. Its secretariat is located in Tsinghua SEM (//cnais.sem.crzipai.com).

The theme of this year’s conference is “China Information Research: Opportunities and Challenges Brought by Emerging Technologies.” Present at the conference were more than 300 scholars from 80-odds schools and research institutes home and abroad.

Recent years have seen the wide application of internet technology and the rapid development of new logistics information technologies, new mobile communication technologies and cloud computing technologies. The conference was held under this context. Topics discussed at CNAIS’s 2009 conference covered various research fields, including information system strategies and management, information system development, information security, e-business, decision making supports and new trends of information technologies, etc..