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Tsinghua SEM 2009 Top Ten News Voting


As we are entering 2010, Tsinghua SEM is also reviewing various events it went through in 2009.

Currently the School’s Office of Communications is carrying out a voting for 2009 Top Ten News in Tsinghua SEM. 27 events have been shortlisted for participants to select from.

The deadline for voting is January 14, 2009. Please reply before 24:00.

To view the shortlist and vote, please click the URL below:


We encourage participants to leave their names and email addresses as well, which will automatically list them into our drawing system. Gifts have been prepared for participants coming out in the drawing. We also have a special present for participants whose choices perfectly match the voting results.

The 27 events shortlisted are:

1. Three Tsinghua SEM alumni were selected as 2008 China Economic Annual Figures by CCTV.

2. Tsinghua SEM held the 148thSina-Changan Forum and became the sponsor of the event.

3. Tsinghua SEM announced its partnership with the Goldman Sachs10,000 Womeninitiative.

4. Eleven Chairmen of the Board of Supervisors fromState-ownedAssetsSupervision and Administration Commission of theState Council joined Tsinghua SEM’s EDP program for pre-service training.

5.China Center for International Economic Exchanges was established. Dean QIAN Yingyi was elected Executive Vice-director of the Council.

6.Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair visited Tsinghua University and delivered a speech entitled “A Global Deal in Climate Change: the Role of Business and New Technologies” at Tsinghua SEM.

7.Tsinghua SEM defended its 11thchampion title at Ma Yuehan Cup sports meeting.

8. On the occasion of Tsinghua University’s 98thanniversary celebrations, Tsinghua SEM issued its first alumni interview collections:The Lives of Tsinghua SEM Alumni.

9.Tsinghua SEM postgraduate HU Kai Made it into 2008 Top Ten Chinese University Student Personalities.

10. The three-year HSBC-Tsinghua "Financial Development in China's Rural Areas" Research Program successfully concluded.

11.Tsinghua SEM and PricewaterhouseCoopers jointly launched the International Flying Start Program.

12. Tsinghua SEM began to enroll graduate students for Master’s degree in Accounting in 2009. The Master’s program in Finance will be opened in 2010.

13. Tsinghua SEM’s new administration was announced on June 24 at the School’s faculty and staff assembly.

14. F. Warren McFarlan, former Senior Associate Dean of Harvard Business School, began to serve as Co-director of Tsinghua SEM's China Business Case Center.

15. Professor BAI Chong-en and professor QIAN Yingyi won “Sun Yefang Award for Economic Science.”

16.182 Tsinghua SEM undergraduate sophomores finished ten-day fieldwork of rural healthcare research in the countryside.

17. New moves were made in three respects to improve Tsinghua SEM’s doctoral program: the doctoral qualification examination, doctoral forums and the anonymous review of doctoral thesis.

18. In 2009, new measures were introduced to Tsinghua SEM’s undergraduate education; more emphasis will be put on “general education,” “educate in accordance with students’ capabilities” and “critical thinking.”

19. Tsinghua SEM’s founding Dean ZHU Rongji released his new bookZHU Rongji in Press Conference.

20. Professor ZHAO Chunjun, former Dean of Tsinghua SEM won 2009 Tsinghua University Outstanding Contribution Award.

21. Tsinghua SEM and HEC Paris jointly celebrated the 10thanniversary of cooperation between the two schools.

22. More than 300 Tsinghua SEM faculty and students took part in the National Day Parade as people across the country were celebrating the 60thanniversary of the founding of People’s Republic of China.

23.Tsinghua SEM Advisory Board held its 10th annual meeting on October 29.

Only one day before, the 2009 Tsinghua Management Global Forum took place at Tsinghua SEM on October 28.

24.Managermagazine ranked Tsinghua SEM’s EMBA program No. 1 in its list of “China’s Best EMBA Programs” for the second time.

25. China Data Center was established at Tsinghua SEM.

26. DONG Songting, a doctoral student in Tsinghua SEM’s Department of Marketing, was invited to join Australian National University (ANU) as Research Fellow in Marketing and Lecturer of Marketing.

27.Tsinghua SEM graduate students won championship in the fifth annual Intel+UC Berkeley Technology Entrepreneurship Challenge.