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Fourth Fashion & Luxury Program Holds Commencement Ceremony


During March 19 – 21, 2010, participants of the fourth Advanced Management Program in Fashion & Luxury finished “Fashion Culture, Creation & Design,” the sixth and last module of the Program. The Commencement Ceremony and a subsequent cocktail party were held on the evening of March 21.

In order to promote international exchange in fashion, luxury and other relevant industries, as well as to accelerate the training of leaders and advanced managerial talents in China’s fashion and luxury industry, Tsinghua SEM, the Institut Fran?ais de la Mode and HEC Paris co-organized and launched the Advanced Management Program in Fashion & Luxury in 2006. The Program is taught in both English and Chinese with simultaneous translation

Three speeches were added into the schedule of the last module to celebrate the commencement with intensive knowledge sharing.

On the evening of March 21, around 40 participants from clothing, jewelry, clock, timepiece, furs, finance, media and other industries attended the Commencement Ceremony. Representatives from three organizing schools, the French Embassy and Paris Chamber of Commerce participated the ceremony and congratulated the graduates. A certificate of study was issued to each student.

Director of Tsinghua SEM’s Executive Development Program Professor XUE Lei said in his remarks to graduates, China should not only export manufacturing products, but also brands and culture, which is in line with the Program’s aim to nurture leading talents in China’s fashion industries.

For more details about the Advanced Management Program in Fashion & Luxury, please refer to the Program’s website:
