Wal-Mart China held a CEO sustainable development forum at Tsinghua SEM on April 29, 2010. The Wal-Mart 2010 Campus Talent Development Scheme was initiated on the forum.
Wal-Mart has a long-term cooperative relationship with SEM. H. Lee Scott, Jr., Former President and CEO of Wal-Mart used to serve as the third Chairman of SEM’s Advisory Board (2007-2009), and its current President and CEO Michael T. Duke is also a member of the Board.
This event is part of the career guidance seminar activities organized by the Career Development Center (CDC).
On the forum, CHEN Yaochang, CEO of Wal-Mart China, delivered a speech named “Exploring the Success of the No.1 Company in the Forbes 500,” explaining how Wal-Mart thrived on its sustainable development strategy.
WANG Yujia, Vice Human Resources President of Wal-Mart China made an introduction of the corporate culture and human resources strategies of Wal-Mart China.
CHEN Yaochang, WANG Yujia, and SHI Jin, Executive Director of CDC, together inaugurated the Wal-Mart 2010 Campus Talents Development Scheme.

The initiation ceremony of Wal-Mart 2010 Campus Talents Development Scheme
Currently, Wal-Mart has 185 branches in 97 cities across China, which presents a challenge for the company to recruit excellent talents. Wal-Mart has been conducting its own training projects, as well as offering increasing posts for graduates from Chinese universities. In 2010-2011, the company plans to conduct recruitment seminars in more than 30 universities, providing over 300 full-time and intern vacancies to students. Over 2,000 managerial personnel will be expected to be employed via campus recruitment in next five years.
According to CHEN Zhigang, Human Resources Director of Wal-Mart, the scheme is composed of four programs: a senior Management Trainee Program II aiming at MBA students, a Management Trainee Program I that aims to develop a multi-functional, mid-level management team by recruiting undergraduate and graduate students in different disciplines, an Internship Program and a Specialist Tailor-made Program co-organized by Wal-Mart and vocational schools in China.
Among the four options, Management Trainee Program II is a new project launched in 2010. The first round of selection is made in Tsinghua SEM. Three distinct MBA students will be selected to join Wal-Mart’s global intern scheme, and go for a summer placement in Wal-Mart’s headquarters in the U.S..