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V Health Wins Championship in Entrepreneurship Challenge


The College Students Entrepreneurship Challenge closed on April 16, 2010 after nearly half a year’s competition. Global Technology Entrepreneurship (GTE) Program’s V Health team won championship in the challenge.

The Program sent four student teams to the competition: in addition to V Health, the Gold Prize Winner of the whole challenge, there were also: HaloO team (Social Innovation Award winner with “HaloO Music Solution”) Ututor team (Excellent Award winner with “Ututor EDU Web Platform”) and FiveStar team (Honorary Award Winner with “Local Media & Web”).

The challenge, initiated in October 2009, was organized by Cheung Kong Design Research Center and Entrepreneurship Education (China) Research Institute of Know About Business. After a primary selection of business proposals submitted, candidate teams were invited to participate in entrepreneurship forums and “MAD: Make a Difference” workshop in Hong Kong.

The final of the challenge was held on April 16, when ten finalist teams presented their proposals. The judging panel then analyzed their plans and commented on their performance.

In addition to the gold, silver and bronze awards, the panel also issued two Social Innovation Awards, five Excellent Awards and fourteen Honorary Awards.