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Tsinghua SEM Holds Alumni Banquet to Celebrate Tsinghua 99th Anniversary


April 25, 2010 is the 99thanniversary of Tsinghua University. Alumni of Tsinghua SEM came back to the campus and participated in celebration events of the School, including a reunion banquet held on the evening of April 24.

The banquet took place atUnisplendour International Center. Participants included members from classes whose enrollment or graduation dates back to exactly one, two or three decades ago. Present at the event were also Tsinghua SEM’s Dean Professor QIAN Yingyi, Associate Dean Professor BAI Chong-en, and other faculty or staff members.

Dean QIAN Yingyi speaking at the banquet

At the beginning of the banquet, Dean QIAN Yingyi welcomed returning alumni on behalf of the School, and spoke about three distinct achievements of SEM in the past year, namely the undergraduate curriculum reform and the new MBA curriculum, as well as the completion of the first phase of the School’s strategic IT project.

Next year sees not only the centurial celebration of Tsinghua University, but also the 85thanniversary of SEM’s Department of Economics, said Associate Dean BAI Chong-en, Chair of the Department of Economics, in a following speech, all alumni are welcomed to come back again in 2011.

After the speeches, participant alumni shared with friends their reflection on years spent on campus, as well as life experiences thereafter.

Tsinghua has provided students with a wealth of general knowledge, moral codes and network resources, said DING Jie, Vice President of Roland Berger, Greater China, a 1985 alumnus. According to him, classmates of his class have built a class website right after graduation to remain in touch.

On the banquet, alumni also presented songs and other shows on the stage, bringing joy and festivity to the occasion.

Alumni speaking and performing on the stage