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SEM Holds Opening Ceremony to Welcome New Undergraduate Students


Dean QIAN set the theme of his speech as “the usefulness of useless knowledge,” citing the title of the classical 1939 article by Abraham Flexner, the founder of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. Taking three examples, namely the electric magnetic theory by Clark Maxwell , the mechanism design theory by Nobel Laureate in Economics Eric Maskin, and the Apple’s founder Steve Jobs’ experience of taking the calligraphy class after dropping out of college, he illustrated the potential long-term benefits of some seemingly useless knowledge in the short run. He said that the distinctions between useless and useful knowledge may mostly due to the time horizon. The ultimate purpose of the undergraduate education at SEM is to create life-time, not short run benefits for its students. Some seemingly “useless” courses in the SEM undergraduate curriculum are aimed at helping students in understanding of the world and themselves, and will bring about benefits in the future.