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2012 BMW TOP VOICES Course Kicks Off


The development of “pillar” industries has strategic meanings to the advancement and stability of national economy. With such understanding, Tsinghua SEM has designed a series of industry analysis courses, aiming to acquaint MBA and other students with the latest developments of so-called “pillar” industries which have substantial influence to Chinese economy as well as the world economy now and in the future. Top executives of BMW are invited to the class for eight lectures on the following topics: Purchasing & Supplier Network, Research and Development for Future Mobility(in China)-Challenges and Opportunities, Manufacturing, Plant/Dealer Tour, Alliance, Cooperation and Joint Venture, Strategic Financial Service in Automotive Business, Premium Car Market, Dealer Development Strategy. Installed as “Analysis of ‘Pillar’ Industries—Section One: BMW and the World Auto Industry” and this class will definitely help SEM students to deepen their industrial knowledge and analytical skills, especially for those students who have strong interest in studying and working in the auto industry. Professor JIAO Jie, from the Department of Business Strategy and Policy, who is in charge of this course shared on the benefits the course would bring to students. With close collaboration between the faculty and BMW, the students will be able to combine theory and practice as they seek insights from business leaders directly. Others benefits from the collaboration were at the National and University levels. The exchange of ideas and information between the University and leading companies of these “pillar” industries will allow SEM to put an even closer pulse on the economy of China from the business perspective. This course will rely very heavily on experiential learning built around the following elements: lectures by guest executives, class discussion, and a two-day field study in BMW’s production base in Shenyang.