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Deans' Forum on Innovation in Management Education Held at Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management


Professor YANG Bin then raised questions pertaining to the phenomenon of the decreasing proportions of MBA students entering the finance and investment banking industries to the four deans. More specifically, he probed on how students could be encouraged to bear higher risks and provide more support to non-profit organizations. Dean Saloner raised that of all graduate students of Stanford GSB, a quarter would become entrepreneurs, and another quarter would go into the finance industry. However work in the finance industry is going through certain transformation, which is seeing less investment banking and more venture capital and private equities. Dean Schmittlein gave an example of the Sloan enrollment assessment procedure, which not only took into account the student's education background but more importantly the student's performance and contribution under different scenarios and circumstances. According to Dean Garrett, students of Wharton were more concerned about innovation, and were playing their part in bearing risk by working towards innovations in finance and hedge funds. Dean Qian took into account the practical environment of China in his reply - that because China was in a different stage of development from other countries and that the finance industry is undergoing rapid growth, there is still a large proportion of students seeking employment in financial firms, but nevertheless there is also an increasing number turning towards innovation and entrepreneurship.