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McKinsey Global Managing Director Summarizes the Five Key Success Factors of Tsinghua SEM


Finally, the very nature of business education is changing. Online learning platforms are expanding rapidly and top business schools worldwide are beginning to explore initiatives in this area. In the past year alone, the number of students enrolled in massive online open courses increased ten times. The line between classroom and workplace is also becoming blurred, as students are now looking to learn what is most immediately relevant to their careers. In some cases, they may turn to more on-the-job training through a blended learning model and lifelong learning instead of the traditional model of general degree programs. Tsinghua has always been on the cutting edge of innovation and there will be an opportunity in the coming years to shape economics and management education – like Tsinghua SEM did in 1984 for the last era – and what it means to be a modern school of economics and management.