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Tsinghua SEM Southeast Asia Alumni Association and Singapore Chapter Established


After that, Professor QIAN Yingyi, Dean of Tsinghua SEM, introduced situation of the School by first appreciating participation of the alumni from various geographic locations and programs. According to him, the Southeast Asia Alumni Association and Singapore Chapter were the first overseas alumni association established by Tsinghua SEM, with special meaning. Dean QIAN then elaborated on recent development of Tsinghua SEM to the alumni and guests there, covering ten major aspects including the 30th-year anniversary of Tsinghua SEM, the Advisory Board, undergraduate education, post-graduate education, innovation in education, instructors and research, the new school building, the chair professor foundation, students’ activities, and alumni network. The alumni and guests present there watched a video titled “Review of the 30th-year Anniversary Activities”, while the Dean introduced the grand occasion of the 15th Advisory Board Meeting convened in October 2014, where those attending celebrities included Tim Cook, CEO of Apple Inc., Jack Ma, Executive Chairman of Alibaba, and Mark Zuckerberg, Founder and CEO of Facebook. They had also subsequently learned about the undergraduate education reform awarded National First Prize, the fruitful and effective progress of the Tsinghua x-lab – a platform of creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship – in one year and a half, the fundraising and planning of the new school building, and the alumni associations the school had established by teaching program and geographic region. Dean QIAN concluded his speech by restating his remarks used in the reunion of Tsinghua SEM instructors and alumni at the 30th-year anniversary: “The next couple of years will mark the economic restructuring in China and changing of the world. As long as the School seizes the opportunities, it will continue to make significant progress. We look forward to the even better next decade and next 30 years!” All the participants at the event had been excited and moved by the remarkable results Tsinghua SEM achieved in recent years.