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Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg Delivers Commencement Address at Tsinghua SEM Commencement 2015


Sandberg shared four points in leadership with the graduates. First,fortune favors the bold. Sandberg cited examples of how CEO Zuckerberg founded Facebook, and her moving to Silicon Valley in pursuit of a job in technology, to encourage the graduates to find “something that stirs your passion, a job that matters to you and matters to others”. Second,feedback is a gift. Getting feedback from your boss is important, but it’s every bit as important to get feedback from those who work for you. Sandberg believes that one leads best when her/she walks side-by-side with their colleagues. Third,nothing is someone else’s problem. Great leaders do not just want to secure compliance. They want to elicit genuine enthusiasm, complete trust, and real dedication. Sheryl Sandberg shared the stories of Dave Goldberg, her beloved husband who passed away two months ago, and described him fondly as “the quintessential standard for the notion of leading by example”. Four,lean in. As one of the most successful business women in the world, Sheryl Sandberg shared her views on equality for women and men. She said equality is not just good for women. It’s good for everyone. Female participation in the workforce is a major driver of economic growth. Companies that recognize the full talents of the entire population outperform those that do not. “If you want to be a great leader, you will develop the women – as well as the men – at your companies and on your teams”.