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The Economics Department of Tsinghua is Celebrating its 90th Anniversary


Tsinghua University's economics department has a long history. In 1926, the department was established with Professor ZHU Binyuan as the first chair. Soon after that, economist CHEN Daisun was appointed as the chair of the department in 1928. This was later followed by the nationwide academic restructuring regime, and the economics department of Tsinghua was merged into other universities. With the beginning of Opening and Reform in 1979, the department of Economics and Management Engineering was established and began enrolling graduate students. In 1984, Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management was established. The current dean of Tsinghua SEM is Professor QIAN Yingyi who became the fourth dean in 2006. For more than three decades, Tsinghua SEM has been growing fast along with the reform, opening-up and development of the Chinese economy. Today, Tsinghua SEM continues to strive for building a world-class school of economics and management.

On the morning of 24 April, Tsinghua SEM will celebrate the 90thanniversary of the Economics Department. Three chairs of the department since the establishment of Tsinghua SEM in 1984, including Professor DONG Xinbao (1984-1990), Professor LI Zinai (1990-2005) and Professor BAI Chong-en (2005-), will be invited to share their stories as chairs and views on the development of the department. Besides, four alumni will conduct a dialogue discussing the hot topics on China’s economic development.