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Muhtar Kent on brand and marketing at Tsinghua SEM


Over the past decades, Coca-Cola has been well-known for the powerful ad notion "collaging the exciting creative initiatives". Today, Coca-Cola's marketing method is reshaped by a series of macro trends in the consuming market. As Kent sees it, these macro trends can be classified as two types: 1. the trend that is changing the expected role of company and brand, for example, ageing, the rise of the young generation, resource scarcity and the shift of economic centers. 2. the trend that is empowering consumers, such as the increased availability of mobility that gives global consumers more voice, the more intense focus on health, life quality and personal needs. These macro trends challenge brand to not only confine to meeting the demands, but the responsibility to the society. This is the challenge. Coca-Cola turns the challenge into the opportunity that makes it stand out and a great brand.