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In-depth Analysis of Financial PE Industry Development and Career Development Forum Held


On June, 10, 2017, In-depth Analysis of Financial PE Industry Development and Career Development Forum was held at Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management (Tsinghua SEM). Mr. Cao Long, Managing Director of Promise Advisors, Vice-secretary of Tsinghua Alumni Investment Society, Ms. Kuang Siwei, Partner of Lingfeng Capital, Mr. Chen Chen, Senior HR Supervior of CDH Fund, and other alumni of Master of Finance from Tsinghua SEM participated in this forum.


Ms. Kuang Siwei, Partner of Lingfeng Capital

Ms. Kuang Siwei, Partner of Lingfeng Capital, shared her insights on the PE industry in China. She mentioned that the development of PE industry is closely tied to social and economic factors such as population, industry, internet, consumption, economic structure, exchange rate, etc. The emerging strategic industries such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), intelligent manufacturing will gradually occupy the market, which would bring in new possibilities for private equity investment. She also said that PE is an effective way of investment which will break the barriers between different industries and avoid potential loss comes with economic cycle’s constantly change. By choosing the suitable target, focusing on taking advantages of rational distribution and ecological chain, PE industry will have a brighter future.


from left: Zhang Zhen (MoF class of 2011), Han Xiaodong (MoF class of 2011), Liu Langyu (MoF class of 2012), Ding Yuqing (MoF class of 2013)

After that, four alumni shared their experience working in the PE industry. Zhen Zhang from XINTIANYU Capital Investment Company shared his views on PE investment in medical industry. He said it is important to focus on daily news, keep track of the changing world, and take advantages of market information. Xiaodong Han from CHUNHUA Capital Investment Company talked about how to network in this industry and how to win reputation and trust from clients. Langyu Liu from Everbright Holding Company shared his personal experience in transferring from investment banking industry to PE industry. Yuqing Ding from KKR China mentioned core factors for successful investment which include critical-thinking, goal-oriented, and independently thinking about management plans for different funds.


Chen Chen, DINGHUI Investment Company

At the end of the forum, Chen Chen, a senior HR manager from DINGHUI Investment Company, shared his opinions on qualifications to work at PE industry. Learning fast, communicating and networking efficiently, hardworking and being open-minded are the suggestions he gave to the students.


In-depth Analysis of Financial PE Industry Development and Career Development Forum

In the Q&A session, students asked about the skills they need to work in PE industry, the development prospects within PE industry, and internship opportunities.

(Source: Master‘s Programs Office. Writer: Liu Shutian. Translator: Xia Bingcong)