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TIEMBA Class of 2020 Cloud Class Meeting Held


On April 4th, TIEMBA class of 2020 organized a warm and special “Cloud Class Gathering”. Over 30 classmates based in 9 different cities/countries got together by cloud meeting, sharing the impact of COVID-19 pandemic brought to life and how they learnt from it. In this special moment, it is good to have someone listen to each other and support each other, like our classmate Sunny Gao said “We are a small family. Family always help each other.”


44 participants of TIEMBA 2018 came from 18 countries/regions, with different culture and professional background. In the almost 2-year study, we’ve embraced our difference, our hearts have been connected, and we’ve grown up together.When COVID19 becomes a global pandemic, our hearts are pinched every time there is a new country escalated to the dangerous level because our classmates and our loved ones may be in danger in China, Korea, Japan, France, Germany, Singapore, Israel, Australia, South Africa, etc.



I am strong, when I am on your shoulders…

During the cloud class meeting, Chinedu from Nigeria shared that dozens of African nations have implemented more strict travel control and lockdown measure. He is helping local healthcare institutes to source for medical supplies in China because he has been exporting vehicles from China to Nigeria for years. The class representative, Bei Zhang graduated from Ireland Code University. Nowadays, she is leading a fundraising initiative for the university. Vladimir based in Amsterdam mentioned that the situation in Italy and Spain is quite sever and healthcare system is under huge pressure. Cherry Yao is helping INSEAD NAA China and TIEMBA Chapters to coordinate the donation and medical resources for Italy. William Wong shared with the class “COVID-19 had disrupted our routines. Perhaps it is time we take stock of what have been happening to ourselves and our family. Only when we are at the valley of our life then we will appreciate how high is the next peak. Humanity has survived previous epidemics and emerged stronger. Wish that COVID-19 will be over soon, be safe!”

Happy Birthday

The same as what we did during the modules on campus, the class gave their birthday blessing to Sylvain who is a French based in Shanghai.


we are all in this together and we will raise stronger together

As greeted by Ilhem Dib from France, “we are all in this together and we will raise stronger together”.