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An Initiative to Global Tsinghua SEM Alumni


An Initiative to Global Tsinghua SEM Alumni

In a time of adversity,

we alumni in China and abroad are a family with love and resilience.

March 19th, 2020

Dear Alumni of Economics and Management School, Tsinghua University:

No matter where you are, we hope that you and your family are all well at this moment.

This spring is bound not to be forgotten in that a public health crisis is happening around the world.

It is unforgettable for us as major hospitals in Wuhan and surrounding areas were in a state of emergency and overseas alumni were so supportive in that their collective efforts formed a protective fortress for those in need. They made great and righteous actions such as making donations to these affected areas. We will never forget their generosity wherever we are and wherever we go.

On the behalf of our school, we would like to express our deepest gratitude and heartfelt thanks to the vast number of overseas Tsinghua SEM alumni and overseas alumni associations!

With the continuous spread of pandemic overseas, our teachers and students, domestic alumni are particularly concerned about the safety of those alumni and students currently overseas. At present, overseas Tsinghua SEM alumni associations are taking positive actions such as providing overseas alumni and students with the necessary protective supplies, counselling services and more.

To all our overseas alumni and students, if you find that you or your family encounter difficult problems and difficulties, please feel free to contact Tsinghua SEM Alumni Center. We urge you to participate actively and benefit from our local alumni associations.

Tsinghua SEM Alumni Association is a spiritual home for us all. Here, we call on all alumni, with a great sense of collectiveness, to help alumni, students and others in need.

In the meantime, Tsinghua SEM Alumni Association would like to request your help. In the case you have reliable channels for protective materials, overseas transportation and customs services, please contact Tsinghua SEM Alumni Center to offer your much needed assistance.

Let our global alumni assist in times of adversity, enhance cooperation to overcome difficulties hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder. We believe that the whole world will triumph over this.

After the world recovers from this pandemic, will be at peace once again. Let us meet again on our beautiful campus to share the unbreakable relationship between faculty and students!

We are waiting for your return.