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Letters from Our Overseas Partner Institutions


The outbreak of pneumonia as a result of the novel coronavirus has not only affected many people living within China, but has also gained a tremendous amount of international attention and support. Ever since the outbreak, our Dean BAI Chong-En has received many kind-hearted condolences from overseas institutions towards China, their praise for the preventative measures taken by the School, as well as their full confidence in China’s early victory against this epidemic:

Merit Janow, Dean of the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University sent a letter to the School on February 11 to express her sincerest condolences towards China and everyone who has been affected by this epidemic. She also writes that Columbia University has also taken preventative measures to ensure the safety of staff and students, as well as offering to provide any help and support for Tsinghua where necessary.

Andrey Sharonov, President of the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO, and Oleg Remyga, Head and Chief Representative of China at SKOLKOVO Business School wrote to the School on February 19 expressing their deep condolences and support for China during this difficult time. Their letter emphasizes the high degree of interaction in both politics and economics between China and Russia, as well as a very close relationship between the people of the two nations, and that Russia and SKOLKOVO are willing to make every effort to help the Chinese government and its people overcome this difficult time.

Ian Fenwick, Director of the Sasin School of Management at Chulalongkorn University wrote in a letter to the School on February 20 expressing his deepest condolences, support and encouragement. In his letter, Fenwick introduces a series of protective protocols employed by Sasin during an epidemic to ensure the safety of staff and students, while expressing the importance of Tsinghua SEM’s partnership, and his hopes for continued collaborations between the two schools.

Peter Todd, General Director and Dean at HEC Paris, wrote in a letter to the School on February 26 expressing his close attention to the development of the situation in China, as well as giving his deep condolences to the people of China. His letter further states that HEC Paris attaches great importance to the cooperative relationship with Tsinghua SEM, while expressing his confidence and support for the strategic cooperation between Europe and China.

Alon Rozen, Dean from the École des Ponts Business School wrote to the School on March 2 expressing his deep sympathies and support towards the School and China, and offered to open online courses to help students avoid slow-downs in their curriculum. Professor Rozen further writes that he is willing to unite with China to defeat this epidemic.

Dean BAI has replied to each of these letters, expressing his sincere gratitude for the kind condolences and efforts each partner university has taken in ensuring minimal impact on students’ coursework during the epidemic. Dean BAI further expresses his hope that the epidemic at each partner university would also be kept minimal and under control, and that the School is looking forward to more strengthened collaborations in the future.

In addition to the letters Dean BAI received, our International Affairs Office has also received many letters from other partner institutions including University of Pennsylvania, Yale University, London Business School, Duke University, National University of Singapore, University of Toronto, Waseda University, University of South Carolina, University of British Columbia, Sydney University, and over 30 other partner institutions. They each express their willingness to do everything in their power towards the development of exchanges and collaborations.

Despite being separated by distance, the friendships that we’ve developed knows no boundaries. During this special time, the support and encouragement from our overseas partners reflect their determination to stand together with the Chinese people. In the face of difficult times, we are truly moved by the warmth, mutual trust and love that’s been shown to us by the international community. Living under the same sky, we are driven to help and protect each other, giving us the endless confidence and strength that we need to overcome this epidemic.