【Speaker】Francine Lafontaine, Professor, Michigan-Ross School of Business
【Topic】Too Far Away? The Effect of Distance to Headquarters on Business Establishment Performance
【Venue】Weilun 404, Tsi...
People will feel uneasy if private embarrassing information about them is exposed in online social networks. While individuals are generally prudent in controlling access to their embarrassing informa...
Disruptive events that halt production can have severe business consequences if not appropriately managed. Business interruption (BI) insurance offers firms a financial mechanism for managing their ex...
In this paper, we develop a theoretical model to analyze the pricing strategies of competing retailers with asymmetric cross-selling capabilities when product demands changes. Our results suggest that...
【Speaker】Winnie Yip, Professor, University of Oxford
【Topic】Improving efficiency and quality of health care through re-alignment of health system incentives: A social experiment in rural China