【Speaker】WANG Zhi, senior international economist, Research Division, Office of Economics, U.S. International Trade Commission
【Topic】Give Credit Where Credit is Due: Tracing Value Chains in Globa...
【Speaker】Nouriel Rouobini, Professor, Stern School of Business, New York University
Chairman,RGE Monitor
【Topic】The Global Macroeconomic Prospects
【Time】14:15-15:45pm, 2011-03-18
【Venue】Room 4...
【Speaker】Steven Rockefeller Jr., President of Rose Rock Partners LLP.
Steven C. Rockefeller III, Managing Partner of Rose Rock Partners LLP.
【Topic】Hope Realized - Family History & Poverty Allevia...
【Speaker】ZHOUDeming, Assistant Professor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
【Topic】Inventory Management of Platelets in Hospitals: Optimal Inventory Policy for Perishable Products with Regular a...
【Speaker】N. K. Chidambaran, Assistant Professor of Finance, Fordham University
【Topic】CEO-Director Connections and Corporate Fraud
【Time】3:30-5:00pm, 2011-03-11
【Venue】Room 385 , Weilun Buildi...
【Speaker】JIANG Zhenhui, Associate Professor, National University of Singapore
【Topic】Privacy Concerns and Privacy-Protective Behavior in Synchronous Online Social Interactions