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2023 / 09

【Speaker】Yu Jeffrey HU, Chair Professor of Management, Daniels School of Business, Purdue University【Topic】Research Opportunities in Digital Transformation of Industries【Time】Friday, September 8, 13:30-15:00【Venue】Room B227, Lihua Building【Language】English【Organizer】Department of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Strategy, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua Universit

2023 / 08

【Speaker】Victor Cui, Conrad Research Excellence Chair, Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Global Strategy, University of Waterloo, Canada【Topic】Hiring for Talents in the U.S.: The Risk Posed by MNEs to Local Intellectual Properties【Time】Tuesday, August 29, 14:30-16:00【Venue】Room B227, Lihua Building【Language】Chinese/English【Organizer】Department of Innovation, En...

2023 / 08

【Speaker】ZHANG Chong, Assistant Professor, Department of Management at Tilburg School of Economics and Management【Topic】Signaling Demand via Queue Visibility【Time】Thursday, Aug 24, 19:00-20:30【Venue】Room B431, Lihua Building【Language】English【Organizer】Department of Management Science and Engineering, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua Universit

2023 / 08

【Speaker】Maggie Rong HU, Assistant Professor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong【Topic】Tobin Tax Policy, Housing Speculation, and Property Market Dynamics【Time】Thursday, August 17, 14:00-15:30【Location】Room B331, Lihua Building【Language】English【Host】Department of Finance, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua Universit

2023 / 07

【Speaker】CUI Haitao, Professor, Carlson School of Management, U. Minnesota【Topic】Talking without Speaking, Hearing without Listening: Social Media and Court Decision【Time】Thursday, July 13, 13:00-15:00【Venue】Room B431, Lihua Building【Language】English【Organizer】Department of Management Science and Engineering, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua Universit

2023 / 07

【Speaker】SHI Mengze, Professor, HKUST【Topic】Incentivizing Mass Creativity: An Empirical Study of the Online Publishing Market【Time】Monday, July 3, 15:30-17:00【Venue】Room B456, Lihua Building【Language】English【Organizer】Department of Marketing, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua Universit

2023 / 06

【Speaker】HUANG Fei, Assistant professor, University of New South Wales【Topic】Welfare Cost of Fair Prediction and Pricing in the Insurance Market【Time】Thursday, June 29, 15:30-17:00【Location】Room B331, Lihua Building【Language】English【Host】Department of Finance, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua Universit

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