【Topic】Statistical Challenges in Workforce Management for Labor-Intensive
Service Systems
【Speaker】Professor Haipeng Shen
【Time】2008-10-31, 11:00am-12:00pm
【Venue】Room 453, Weilun Building, Sc...
【Topic】Reconfiguring IT Resources in Post-Merger Contexts
【Speaker】Prof. Carol V. Brown, Associate Editor for MIS Quarterly
【Time】Oct.17, pm3:00—5:00
【Venue】Room 437, Weilun Building, Tsingh...
【Topic】IEEE Distinguished Lecture: Recent Development in Generalization
Error for Supervised Learning Problem with Applications in Model Selection and Feature Selection
【Speaker】Daniel Yeung
【Topic】IEEE Distinguished Lecture: Intelligent Transportation Systems in
【Speaker】Professor T.T. Lee
【Time】2008-10-22, 10:30 am**
【Venue】Room 418, ShunDe Building, School of Economics a...
【Speaker】Lisa Cameron , Associate professor,University of Melbourne
【Topic】Propensities to Engage in and Punish Corrupt Behavior: Experimental Evidence from Australia, India, Indonesia and Singap...
【Topic】Commodity Prices, Inflation, and It's Distributional Impact
【Speaker】Roberto Riggibon, Associate Professor, MIT Sloan Business School
【Time】Wednesday, 1:30pm, October 8th, 2008
【Title】Hedge Funds Industry and The U.S. Subprime Crisis
【Speaker】Raymond Foo
【Target Students】MBA, Undergraduate, Graduate
【Language】English / ...