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市场营销系    长聘副教授

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刘文静为成人自拍视频-成人在线自拍 市场营销系长聘副教授、博士生导师。担任清华经管成人自拍视频 计算与行为科学实验室副主任,清华经管成人自拍视频 中国零售研究中心副主任,清华营销系学术报告委员会主席。2010年于加拿大多伦多大学获得市场营销专业博士学位。之前获得新加坡国立大学商成人自拍视频 营销系理学硕士、对外经济贸易大学经济学学士。



在清华大学经管成人自拍视频 讲授博士生消费者行为研究、营销研究方法论,本科营销管理、新生专题研讨等课程。



研究兴趣包括消费者行为,消费者的服务和产品体验,决策科学,和商品定价等方面。在Production and Operations Management (UTD), International Journal of Research in Marketing, INFORMS Journal on Computing (UTD)Journal of Consumer Psychology (FT50) , Journal of International Marketing, Marketing Letters, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Journal of Economic Psychology, Journal of Service Theory and Practice等管理、营销、消费者行为国际权威期刊上发表多篇论文。在重要国际著作Handbook of Consumer Psychology(消费者心理学手册),The Palgrave Handbook of Interactive Marketing, Consumer-brand Relationships, International Handbook of Consumer Psychology(国际消费者心理学手册)发表理论章节。在《管理科学学报》等中文期刊发表多篇论文。2013年发表在《营销科学学报》上的一篇中文论文被CNKI广泛引用超过1000次,是该期刊创刊以来引用率最高的论文。

担任CSSCI扩展版期刊《营销科学学报》专业主编,SSCI期刊Journal of Business Research (JCR一区)编委,SSCI期刊Journal of Consumer Behaviour 编委, SSCI期刊Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing (JCR一区)顾问编委。主持4项国家级基金(1项青年和3项面上)和1项省部级重点项目(北京市社科重点),为国家自然科学基金重大课题和国家文旅部重大课题主要参与人。获得多个科研相关的荣誉与奖励,入选北京市高校青年英才计划。已结题的国家自然科学基金青年项目和面上项目,分别于2017和2021年国家自然科学基金委员会管理科学部结题项目绩效评估中,被评为优。主持的清华大学本科教改项目,2020年结题评审为A(最高等级)。2018年获北京市社科重点基金,为省部级重点项目。科研成果在国内外产生较强的影响力,先后被哈佛商业评论Harvard Business Review, 美国营销学会AMA官网、加拿大最大的报纸Toronto Star,和中央电视台CCTV News 频道New Money 等媒体专题报导,并于2017年在中国发行量最大的英文报刊China Daily 《中国日报》评论版发表署名文章。




† indicates publications with a current or previous Ph.D. student coauthor

1.Maggie Wenjing Liu, Junhui Huang†, Qichao Zhu†, and Xiaolong Zheng (2024), "Consumer Responses to Weakness Revelation of Human Brands: The Role of Authenticity," online publication at International Journal of Research in Marketing (IJRM).

2. Guilin Liu†, Maggie Wenjing Liu (equal first author), Qichao Zhu†(2024), "Hmm, the Effect of AI Conversational Fillers on Consumer Purchase Intentions," online publication at Marketing Letters.

3.Yuxiao Ye, Shenyang Jiang, Di Fan, Baofeng Huo, and Maggie Wenjing Liu (2023),"Rigidity in Crisis: The Impact of OHSAS 18001 Certification on Production Repurposing in COVID-19," online publication at Production and Operations Management.

4. Maggie Wenjing Liu, Chuang Wei†, Lu Yang†, and Hean Tat Keh (2022), "Feeling Lucky: How Framing the Target Product as a Free Gift Enhances Purchase Intention," International Journal of Research in Marketing (IJRM), 39(2), 349-363.

5.  Maggie Wenjing Liu, Qichao Zhu†, and Xian Wang† (2022), "Building Consumer Connection with New Brands through Rituals: The Role of Mindfulness," Marketing Letters, 33 (2), 237-250.

6. Hu Tian, Xiaolong Zheng, Kang Zhao, Maggie Wenjing Liu, Daniel Dajun Zeng (2022),“Inductive Representation Learning on Dynamic Stock Co-Movement Graphs for Stock Predictions, INFORMS Journal on Computing, 34(4), 1940-1957.

7. Bingsheng Liu, Wenwen Zhu, Yinghua Shen, Yuan Chen, Tao Wang, Fengwen Chen, Maggie Wenjing Liu, and Shihao Zhou (2022), “A Study about Return Policies in the Presence of Consumer Social Learning,”Production and Operations Management, 31 (6), 2571-2587.

8. Chuang Wei†, Maggie Wenjing Liu (co-first author with Chuang Wei), and Hean Tat Keh (2020),“The Road to Consumer Forgiveness is Paved with Money or Apology? The Roles of Empathy and Power in Service Recovery,”Journal of Business Research, 118 (September),  321-334.

9. Rui Chen†, Maggie Wenjing Liu (co-first author with Rui Chen, corresponding), Yuhong Guan†, and Yuhuang Zheng (2020), “Female Responses to Genetically Modified Foods: Effects of the Menstrual Cycle and Food Risk Concerns,”Journal of Business Research, 120 (November),  608-618.  

10. Maggie Wenjing Liu, Lijun Zhang, and Hean Tat Keh (2019), “Consumer Responses to High Service Attentiveness: A Cross-Cultural Examination,”Journal of International Marketing, 27 (1), 56-73.  

11. Maggie Wenjing Liu, Qichao Zhu†, and Yige Yuan† (2019), “The Role of the Face Itself in the Face Effect: Sensitivity, Expressiveness, and Anticipated Feedback in Individual Compliance,”Frontiers in Psychology, 9 (2499), 1-9.

12. Xiaobing Xu†, Rong Chen, and Maggie Wenjing Liu (corresponding) (2017), “The Effects of Upper and Lowercase Wordmarks on Brand Perceptions,”Marketing Letters, 28 (3), 449-460.  

13. Maggie Wenjing Liu (corresponding) and Hean Tat Keh (2015), “Customer Delight and Outrage: Scale Development and Validation,”Journal of Service Theory and Practice, 25 (6), 680-699.

14. Maggie Wenjing Liu (solo author) (2014), “Utility Blindness: Why Do We Fall for Deals?”Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 13, 42-49.

15. Dilip Soman and Maggie Wenjing Liu (2011),”Debiasing or Rebiasing? Moderating the Illusion of Delayed Incentives,”Journal of Economic Psychology, 32 (3), 307-316.

16. Hee-Kyung Ahn, Maggie Wenjing Liu (equal first author), and Dilip Soman (2009), “Memory Markers: How Consumers Recall Duration of Experiences,”Journal of Consumer Psychology, 19 (3), 508-516. 



19. 陈瑞†,郑毓煌,刘文静(2013),“中介效应分析:原理、程序、Bootstrap方法及其应用”,《营销科学学报》,第9卷,第4期, 120-135。 CNKI引用超1500次。


20. Maggie Wenjing Liu, Dingsheng Fu†, Qichao Zhu†, and Xian Wang (2025), "I Have Abundant Time: The Impact of Consumption Rituals on Perceived Time Affluence and Brand Outcomes," forthcoming at Rituals, Consumption, and Marketing: A Research Companion,Eds. Cele Otnes and Tina Lowrey, Routledge.

21. Maggie Wenjing Liu, Qichao Zhu†, Yige Yuan† and Sihan Wu†  (2023), "Applying Predictive Analytics in Interactive Marketing: How It Influences Customer Perception and Reaction?" The Palgrave Handbook of Interactive Marketing,  Ed. Cheng Lu Wang, Palgrave Macmillan.  

22. Maggie Wenjing Liu (2017),“Building Stronger Brands Will Boost China's Image,” China Daily, 2017-06-21.

23. Rui Chen† and Maggie Wenjing Liu (corresponding) (2016), “Sex Drive and Consumer Decision-Making,”International Handbook of Consumer Psychology, Eds. Cathrine Jansson-Boyd and Magdalena Zawisza, Taylor and Francis, 467-485. 国际消费者心理学手册

24. Pankaj Aggarwal and Maggie Wenjing Liu (2012),“Mental Accounting in Consumer-brand Relationships,” Consumer-Brand Relationships: Theory and Practice, Eds. Marc Fetscherin et al., Routledge, 115-133.

25. Maggie Wenjing Liu and Dilip Soman (2008),“Behavioral Pricing,”Handbook of Consumer Psychology, Eds. Curtis P. Haugtvedt, Paul M. Herr, and Frank R. Kardes, Mahwah, NJ: Taylor and Francis, 659-682. 消费者心理学手册


  1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:2025-2028

  2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:2021-2024

  3. 清华大学教改项目:2024-2025

  4. 国家文旅部重大委托项目:2023(参与)

  5. 国家自然科学基金重大课题:2020-2024(参与)

  6. 清华大学自主文科项目:2020-2022

  7. 北京市社科基金重点项目:2018-2021

  8. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:2015-2018,结题评估优

  9. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:2012-2014,结题评估优

  10. 清华大学自主科研项目:2017-2019

  11. 清华大学教改项目:2018-2019,结题评审A

  12. 北京市首届高校青年英才计划: 2013-2015

  13. 国家教育部留学回国人员启动基金: 2013-2014

  14. 小林实中国经济研究基金: 2011-2012



担任CSSCI扩展版期刊《营销科学学报》专业主编,SSCI期刊Journal of Business Research (JCR一区)编委,SSCI期刊Journal of Consumer Behaviour 编委, SSCI期刊Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing (JCR一区)顾问编委,以及Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of Business Research, Marketing Letters, Journal of Consumer Affairs等国际期刊的评审专家,《管理世界》《营销科学学报》等国内学术期刊评审专家,教育部留学基金委CSC评审专家。 2011年至今,担任国家自然科学基金面上项目和青年项目评审专家。 
