1. 孙静, “质量最优先:是盈还是亏”, 清华商业评论, 11期, 6卷, 88-93页, 2018
2. Jian LOU, Jing SUN and Wen ZHU.Statistical Diagnosis of Autocorrelated Process, Asian Journal on Quality, 2013, 14(1): 31-40
3. 孙静, “中国食品质量与安全的未来”, 中国质量, 2013年第1期,pp.31-33
4. 孙静, “六西格玛的国际标准化工作与实践”, 中国质量, 2012年第6期,pp.12-13
5. Jing Sun, Shengxian Wang and Zhihui Fu, "Process capability analysis and estimation scheme for autocorrelated data", Journal of System Science and System Engineering, Vol.19, 2010, No.1, pp.105-127
6. Young T. Park, Sun J.,"Optimum ordering policy for preventive age replacement", Journal of Systems Science and System Engineering, 3, pp. 283-291, 2009
7. 杨穆尔,孙静,“多元自相关过程的VAR控制图”,数理统计与管理,2期,28卷,2008
8. 孙静, 杨穆尔,“多元自相关过程的残差T2控制图”,清华大学学报(自然科学版),12期,47卷, 2007
9. 杜福洲, 唐晓青, 孙静, “MEWMA控制图运行链长分析及案例研究”, 中国机械工程, 7期, 18卷, pp. 820-823, 2007
10. 杜福洲, 孙静, 唐晓青,“基于马尔可夫链的MCUSUM控制图运行链长分析”, 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2期, 47卷, 2007
11. 王胜先,孙静,“单值数据的过程能力指数与过程性能指数比较”,清华大学学报(自然科学版),46卷,12期,pp.2049-2052, 2006
12. 杨穆尔,孙静,“二元自相关过程的残差T2控制图的应用”,质量科学与质量经济,2006
13. Park Y. & Sun J.,"Ordering Policy for Planned Maintenance with Salvage Value", Asian Journal on Quality, Vol.7, No.3, pp.15-23, 2006
14. 杨穆尔,孙静,“二元自相关过程的残差T2控制图”, 清华大学学报(自然科学版),3期,46卷,pp. 403,2006
15. 杜福洲,唐晓青,孙静,“MEWMA控制图ARL计算及参数优化”,北京航空航天大学学报,8期,32卷,pp. 974,2006
1. 孙静,“质量管理学(第四版)”,高等教育出版社,2018
2. 孙静,“六西格玛黄带教材”,中国社会出版社,2018
3. 朱岩,郑晓明,孙静,“北新建材系列案例”,清华大学出版社,2018
4. 2013, Process capability analysis(in Chinese), Beijing: Tsinghua Press
5. 2011, Quality Management(in Chinese), Beijing: High-education press
6. 2007, Six Sigma for CEO: How to Make Breakthrough Happen(in Chinese), Beijing: Tsinghua University Press
7. 2006, Total Quality Management(in Chinese), Beijing: Chinese Science and Technology Press
1. Jing Sun, Arthur Yeh, "On Quality Control of Mixed Quality Variables: Some thoughts and ideas", 2018 IISA International Conference on Statistics, May 19 2018, University of Florida, 2018
2. Xuefeng PENG and Jing SUN. The tradeoff between signaling unobservable product quality and investing spares inventory, Proceeding of The 14th Korea-China Quality Symposium, 8, 2015
3. Wen ZHU and Jing SUN. Research on the hospital policy under trade-off between service speed and service quality, Proceeding of The 13th Korea-China Quality Symposium, 7, 2014
4. Sun J. and Zuo X., MEWMA control scheme based on BP algorithm for multivariate autocorrelated processes, Proceeding of The 12th Korea-China Quality Symposium, 8, 2013
5. Liu X., Sun J. and Zhu W., Study On The Relationship Between Hospital Service Quality And Patient Satisfaction, INFORMS 2013, 10, 2013
6. Sun J., Multivariate Statistical Process Diagnosis and Case Study, Proceeding of The 10th Korea-China Quality Symposium, 8, 2011
7. Sun J.,"The effect of auto-correlated data on Process capability index Cpm based on AR(1) model", Proceeding of the 2009 International Conference on Management and Service Science, 4, 2009
8. Sun J.,"Comparison of process capability indices and process performance indices", Proceeding of The 8th Korea-China Quality Symposium, 2009
9. Sun J.,"The effect of auto-correlated data on Process capability index Cpk based on AR(1) model", Proceeding of Computing, Communications and Control Technologies: CCCT2009, 2009
10. Sun J.,"The application of SQC in China Manufacturing Industry and its Key Factors", 7th Korea-China Quality Symposium, China, July 2008
11. Sun J., Yang M.,"Performance of residual-based T2 control chart for monitoring multivariate auto-correlated processes", 6th Korea-China Quality Symposium, Kyunju, Korea, August 2007
12. Sun J. & Wang Z.,"Contrast Analysis of AACSB Accreditation Standards and Education Criteria for Performance Excellence". ICSSSM07 (The Forth International Conference on Service System and Service Management), Chengdu, China, June 2007
13. 孙静,汪之婴,“AACSB认证对我国创建世界一流商成人自拍视频
14. Wang Z. & Sun J.,"application of DMAIC on service improvement of bank counter", international conference of service system and service management, 2006
15. "Application of DMAIC on service improvement of bank counter", International conference on service systems and service management, Troyes, France, Oct. 2006.
16. "The Application of residual-based T2 chart for bivariate auto-correlated processes", Quality science and quality economy, Proceedings of the Sino-Korea Bilateral symposium on Quality, Chengdu, China, July 2006.
1. 孙静,2015年,“企业两化融合绩效考核方法和机制支撑工作”,技术报告,清华大学
2. 孙静,2008年,“北京现代制造质量管理调查报告”,技术报告,清华大学
3. 孙静,2008年,“基于卓越绩效的高等教育质量问题研究”,技术报告,清华大学
1.孙静,北京大兴国际机场:跨越“不可能”,创造新“奇迹”, 清华大学中国工商管理案例中心, 2020
2.孙静, 案例:《北新建材的管理模式探索》,清华大学中国工商管理案例中心, 2017