Yifan Dou, Xuhong Wang, Yongbo Xiao. Reselling or Hosting? Examining Platform's Co-opetition Strategy with Third-Party Sellers. International Journal on Production Economics. Accepted for publication. January 2025.
Haoruo Zhu, Yaodong Ni, Yongbo Xiao. Information Sharing across Competing Platforms with Varying Information Capabilities. European Journal of Operational Research. Accepted. November 2024. //doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2024.11.048
Yongbo Xiao, Jing Yu, Sean X. Zhou. Commit on Effort or Sales? Value of Commitment in Live-streaming E-commerce. Production and Operations Management. 2024. 33(11): 2241-2258.
Yongbo Xiao, Xiuyi Zhang, Xiaole Wu. Firm decisions and government subsidies in a supply chain with consumer surplus consideration. Naval Research Logistics. 2024. 71(8): 1113-1132.
Cui Zhao, Yongbo Xiao, Jun Yang, Jianliang Mu. Fighting Against De-pooling Effect of Airport Advertising Spaces: A Supply Chain Perspective. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. //doi.org/10.1016/j.tre.2024.103527
Yongbo Xiao, Chen Hu, Qian Liu. Managing Demand by Upgrade Programs and Markdown Pricing with a Product Rollover. Naval Research Logistics. 2024. 71(3): 333-350.
Hailiang Chen, Yifan Dou, Yongbo Xiao. Understanding the Role of Live Streamers in Live-Streaming E-Commerce. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications. 2023. 59(May-June): 101266.
Chunguang Bai, Hongshuang (Alice) Li, Yongbo Xiao. Investing in Industry 4.0 Technologies: Empirical Impacts and Decision Framework. Production and Operations Management. 2022. DOI: 10.1111/poms.13813.
Cui Zhao, Xiaojun Wang, Yongbo Xiao, Jie Sheng. Effects of Online Reviews and Competition on Quality and Pricing Strategies. Production and Operations Management. 2022. 31(10): 3840-3858.
Qian Liu, Yongbo Xiao, Dan Zhang. Opaque Selling of Multiple Substitutable Products with Finite Inventories. Naval Research Logistics. 2022. 69(6): 529-549.
Mingliu Chen, Peng Sun, Yongbo Xiao. Optimal Monitoring Schedule in Dynamic Contracts. Operations Research. 2020, 68(5): 1285-1314.
Yongbo Xiao, Sean Zhou. Trade-in for Cash or for Upgrade? Dynamic Pricing with Customer Choice. Production and Operations Management. 2020. 29(4): 856-881.
Yongbo Xiao, Liming Wang, Jian Chen. Dynamic Pricing in a Trade-in Program with Replacement and New Customers. Naval Research Logistics. 2020. 67(5): 334-352.
Jim Dai, Anton Kleywegt, Yongbo Xiao. Network Revenue Management with Cancellations and No-shows. Production and Operations Management. 2019. 28(2): 292-318.
Yongbo Xiao. Dynamic Pricing and Replenishment: Optimality, Bounds, and Asymptotics. Naval Research Logistics. 2018. 65(1): 3-25.
Yongbo Xiao, Jihong Zhang. Preselling to a Retailer in Presence of Cash-flow Shortage on the Manufacturer. Omega: The International Journal of Management Science. 2017. 80:43-57.
Yongbo Xiao. Choosing the Right Exchange-Old-for-New Programs for Durable Goods with a Rollover. European Journal of Operational Research, 2017. 259(2): 512-526.
Yongbo Xiao. Yan Zhu. Value Management of Diagnostic Equipment with Cancelation, No-show, and Emergency Patients. Naval Research Logistics. 2016. 63(4): 287-304.
Yongbo Xiao, Jian Chen. Evaluating the Potential Effects from Probabilistic Selling of Similar Products. Naval Research Logistics. 2014. 61(8): 604-620.
Xiaoqiang Cai, Jian Chen, Yongbo Xiao, Xiaolin Xu, and Gang Yu. Fresh-Product Supply Chain Management with Logistics Outsourcing. Omega: The International Journal of Management Science. 2013. 41(4): 752-765.
Yongbo Xiao, Jian Chen. Supply Chain Management of Fresh Products with Producer Transportation. Decision Sciences. 2012. 43(5): 785-815.
Jian Chen, Youhua (Frank) Chen, Mahmut Parlar, and Yongbo Xiao. Optimal Inventory and Admission Policies for Drop-shipping Retailers Serving In-Store and Online Customers. IIE Transactions. 2011. 43(5): 332-347.
Xiaoqiang Cai, Jian Chen, Yongbo Xiao, and Xiaolin Xu. Optimization and Coordination of Fresh Product Supply Chains with Freshness-Keeping Effort. Production and Operations Management. 2010. 19(3): 261-278.
Yongbo Xiao, Jian Chen, Chung-Yee Lee. Single-Period Two-Product Assemble-to-Order Systems with a Common Component and Uncertain Demand Patterns. Production and Operations Management. 2010. 19(2): 216-232.
Yongbo Xiao, Jian Chen, Chung-Yee Lee. Optimal Decisions for Assemble-to-Order Systems with Uncertain Assembly Capacity. International Journal of Production Economics. 2010. 123(1): 155-165.
Yongbo Xiao, Frank Y. Chen, Jian Chen. Optimal Inventory and Dynamic Admission Policies for a Retailer of Seasonal Products with Affiliate Programs and Drop-shipping. Naval Research Logistics. 2009. 56(4): 300-317.
Frank Y. Chen, Jian Chen, Yongbo Xiao. Optimal Control of Selling Channels for an Online Retailer with Cost-Per-Click Payments and Seasonal Products. Production and Operations Management. 2007, 16(3): 292-305.
蔡馨玥,肖勇波,张继红,利润与福利的两难抉择:考虑双边社会责任的平台定价策略,系统工程理论与实践,2024年(第44 卷),第6期,2003-2017.
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陈剑,肖勇波,朱斌,大数据视角下的采购风险评估——基于某服务采购企业的案例分析,系统工程理论与实践,2021年(第41 卷),第3期,596-612.
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窦一凡,肖勇波,供应链企业合作广告中的最优营销决策研究,中国管理科学,2010年(第18卷)专辑,p 360-365.
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窦一凡,肖勇波,陈剑,我国心脏支架供应链模式的优化与设计,管理现代化,2010年第4期,p. 33-35.
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肖勇波, 陈剑, 徐小林. 到岸价格商务模式下涉及远距离运输的时鲜产品供应链协调. 系统工程理论与实践. 2008年(第28卷)第2 期,p. 19-25.
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陈剑,肖勇波,刘晓玲,陈友华,基于乘客选择行为的航空机票控制模型研究,系统工程理论与实践,2006年(第26卷)第1期,p. 65-75.
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