张勉、马溪悦 (2021) The Contextualization of Employee Retention Research in China. In Allen D., & Vardaman, J. (Eds). Global Talent Retention: Understanding Employee Turnover Around the World. Emerald Publishing Limited. ISBN: 978183909294
张勉、窦吉芳、Foley, S.、Shaffer, M.、李全 (2021) The relationship between gender and work-to-family conflict among Chinese managers: Testing a moderated mediation model. International Journal of Human Resource Management. Advance online publication. DOI: 10.1080/09585192.2021.1893784
张勉 (2020) 如何免缴管理税?自组织的实践. 《清华管理评论》2020年第5期
张勉 (2019) 成人自拍视频简论. 北京:清华大学出版社
张勉、赵锴、Karen Korabik (2019) Does work-to-family guilt mediate the relationship between work-to-family conflict and job satisfaction? Testing the moderating roles of segmentation preference and family collectivism orientation. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 115: 103321. DOI: 10.1016/j.jvb.2019.103321
赵锴、张勉、Maria Kraimer、杨百寅 (2019) Source attribution matters: Mediation and moderation effects in the relationship between work-to-family conflict and job satisfaction. Journal of Organizational Behavior. 40(4): 492-505 DOI:10.1002/job.2345
赵锴、张勉、Sharon Foley (2019)Testing two mechanisms linking work-to-family conflict to individual consequences: Do gender and gender role orientation make a difference? International Journal of Human Resource Management. 30:6, 988-1009. DOI: 10.1080/09585192.2017.1282534
张勉、Sharon Foley、李海、朱金强 (2018) Social support, work-family balance and satisfaction among Chinese middle- and upper-level managers: Testing cross-domain and within-domain effects. International Journal of Human Resource Management. DOI: 10.1080/09585192.2018.1464490
张勉(2018)适商与适应性领导. 《清华管理评论》2018年Z2期
李海、姚蕾、张勉、朱金强 (2017) 工作—家庭冲突交叉效应的性别差异. 《南开管理评论》,20(4),153-164
张勉(2017)重新分配权力:高赋能组织管理模式. 《清华管理评论》2017年11月 (注:本文被《新华文摘》全文转载)