Web of Science(WOS)收录的论文下载地址如下:
Wang, L., Zhang, W.*, White, S., & Fan, H. (2024). Digital technology-based business model design and innovation to address grand challenges: A process model. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 1–28. //doi.org/10.1002/sej.1518 (The first two authors contributed equally.)
Zhang, J., Zhang, W., and Schwab, A., 2024. Interorganizational triads for foreign-market entry: Partnerships
among Western, bridge-economy, and local VCs in Mainland China. Journal of Business Venturing. Volume39,Issue1. (The first two authors contributed equally) DOI:10.1016/j.jbusvent.2023.106363.
Zhang, W., White, S., Wang, L.&, Zhao, Y.& and Ye, Q.&,2021. How Does a New Venture Build a New Product’s Legitimacy? Evidence from Digital Innovations in an Established Industry. International Journal of Technology Management,Vol.87, Nos.2/3/4, pp.284–314. (&: indicates a current or previous student of Zhang Wei)
Zhang, W., White, S., Wang, L.&, & Luo, J., 2021. 3 Strategies to Convince People That Your Startup Is Legit. Harvard Business Review. Digital article. //hbr.org/2021/05/3-strategies-to-convince-people-that-your-startup-is-legit
Zhang, W.* and White, S., 2016. Overcome the Liability of Newness: Entrepreneurial Action and the Emergence of China's Private Solar Photovoltaic Firms. Research Policy, 45(3):604-617. DOI: 10.1016/j.respol.2015.11.005.(注:截止到2020年9月初,本论文在基本科学指标(ESI)学科领域“Social Sciences, general”被引用排名前3%。)
Zhang, J., Zhang, W.*, Schwab, A., and Zhang, S.&,2017. Institutional Environment and IPO Strategy: A Study of ChiNext in China. Management and Organization Review, 13(2),399-430. (The first two authors contributed equally) DOI:10.1017/mor.2016.40.
White S., Gao J. and Zhang W.,2005. Financing New Ventures in China: System Antecedents and Institutionalization. Research Policy, 34 (6): 894-913. (注:本论文(及会议论文版本)被斯坦福大学商成人自拍视频
Tan J., Zhang W. and Xia J.,2008. Managing Risk in a Transitional Environment: An Exploratory Study of Control and Incentive Mechanisms of Venture Capital Firms in China. Journal of Small Business Management, 46 (2): 263-285.
Zhang W., Gao J., White, S & Vega, P. Venture Capital and the Financing of China’s New Technology Firms. Chapter 4 in Chris McNally (eds.), China’s Emergent Political Economy. Routledge Press, 2008.
White, S & Gao J. & Zhang. W. The emergence of venture capital and funding of technology-based firms in China,Chapter 7 in Financial Systems, Corporate Investment in Innovation, and Venture Capital (Bartzokas, A. & Mani, S., editors). Edward Elgar Publishing. 2004.
姜彦福、张帏主编, 《创业管理学》,清华大学出版社,2005. (注:21世纪清华MBA精品教材,2006年被评为北京市高等教育精品教材,2006年入选国家普通高等教育“十一五”教材规划) (注:本书被中国学术期刊网(“知网”)列为高被引用论著。)
张帏,技术创业管理. 《技术创新管理》(第2版,吴贵生,王毅主编)第11章。清华大学出版社,2009.(2012年清华大学教材一等奖)
张帏,技术创业管理. 《技术创新管理》(第3版,吴贵生,王毅主编)第11章。清华大学出版社,2013.(北京市高等教育精品教材)
张帏、齐继国、郑琦(译),《啮合创业:在斯坦福学创业规划》(另一个版本:《啮合前行: 测试商业模式潜力和规划创业成功之路》),中国人民大学出版社,2016.
张帏等译, 《成功的商业计划: 诀窍与战略》,中国人民大学出版社,2005
张帏,王荔妍&,高雨辰,&2023. "创新生态系统中的互补性技术:编排、治理与演进机制",科学学与科学技术管理,第3期, p.4-20. (被《中国人民大学复印报刊资料》收录)
张帏,沈梅华. 2023. "清锋科技:用3D打印实现分布式“智造”",清华管理评论,第9期,p.122-128.
李华&,张帏*,王婧宜. 创业加速器如何助力早期高科技企业发展?清华管理评论,2022年第7、8期合刊:33-43.
朱婧雯&、朱武祥、张帏*. 企业如何将发展瓶颈转变为新业务机会?清华管理评论,2021(12):4-15.(被《中国人民大学复印报刊资料》收录)
石书德, 张帏*, 高建, 新企业创业团队的治理机制与团队绩效的关系,管理科学学报,2016(5):14-27.(被《中国人民大学复印报刊资料》收录)
钱苹,张帏. 我国创业投资的回报率及其影响因素. 经济研究. 2007(5):78-90.
石书德, 高建, 张帏. 新企业创业团队股权分配的影响因素. 技术经济, 2015 (12):69-75.
张帏, 新兴能源领域创业和产业形成机制探析, 技术经济, 2014 (9):54-59.
赵岑,张帏,姜彦福. 基于与大企业联盟的技术创业企业成长机制. 科研管理, 2012(2):97-106.
张帏. 团队与制度:创业企业可持续发展的价值创造力. 清华管理评论, 2012(3):36-43.
张帏. 创业团队的“新陈代谢”与创业企业治理的演进. 清华管理评论, 2011(4):108-114.
石书德,张帏,高建. 影响新创企业绩效的创业团队因素研究. 管理工程学报, 2011(4): 44-51.
张帏,叶雨明,高科技创业团队的合作驱动因素研究. 技术经济, 2012(7), 59-64.
张帏, 张欣, 张琳. 奥琦玮信息科技(北京)有限公司——创业与成长. 管理案例研究与评论, 2010, 03(5):395-402.
姜彦福,张帏. 创业企业与创业投资机构合作关系及其对合作绩效影响. 技术经济. 2010(9):16-20.
张帏,成九雁,高建,石书德. 我国大学科技园最新发展动态、评价及建议——以中关村地区为例. 研究与发展管理. 2009(1): 95-101.
张帏,陈琳纯. 创业者的人力资本和社会资本对创业过程的影响. 技术经济. 2009(8): 22-27.
孙伟,高建,张帏,王德保,冯冠平. 产学研合作模式的制度创新:综合创新体. 科研管理,2009(5):69-75.
张帏,冷艳,王璐. 我国生物制药创业企业商业模式创新及案例研究. 创新与创业管理. 2009(4): 83-93, 清华大学出版社.
张帏. 中关村留学人员创业企业发展的瓶颈调研. 中国软科学. 2007(8):116-122.
林嵩, 张帏, 高建. 北京中关村地区跨国公司研发中心发展的趋势、作用及政策建议. 研究与发展管理, 2007, 19(4):55-61.
唐靖,张帏,高建. 创业者在不同环境下的机会识别和决策行为研究. 科学学研究. 2007(2):328-333.
林嵩,张帏,姜彦福. 创业成长模型评述及构建思路探讨. 科研管理. 2007(1):84-88.
张帏,高建. 斯坦福大学创业教育体系和特点的研究. 科学学与科学技术管理. 2006(9):143-147.
张帏. 寻求创业投资的策略. 北大商业评论. 2006(10):56-60.
林嵩,张帏,姜彦福. 创业机会的特征与新创企业的战略选择——基于中国创业企业案例的探索性研究. 科学学研究. 2006(2):268-272.
林嵩,张帏,姜彦福. 创业战略的选择:维度、影响因素和研究框架. 科学学研究. 2006(1): 79-84.
林嵩,姜彦福,张帏. 创业机会识别:概念、过程、影响因素和分析架构. 科学学与科学技术管理. 2005(6):128-133.
林嵩,张帏. 国际IT巨头的战略调整模式及启示. 科技管理研究. 2005(9):28-34.
林嵩,张帏等. 高科技创业企业资源整合模式研究. 科学学与科学技术管理. 2005(2):143-147.
姜彦福,张健,雷家骕,张帏. 公司创业战略的跨文化研究. 科学学研究. 2005(3):357-361.
曲延军,林嵩,张帏. 创业型企业战略选择的比较研究. 科技管理研究. 2005(8):79-82.
林嵩,张帏,邱琼. 创业过程的研究评述及发展动向. 南开管理评论. 2004(3):47-50.
林嵩,张帏. 经理人的激励和约束问题:过去20年美国公司治理机制演进过程探析.管理现代化. 2004(5):23-25.
张帏,郭鲁伟. 从硅谷的产业发展看创新和创业集成的重要性. 中国软科学. 2003(9):102-106.
张岚,张帏,姜彦福. 创业投资家和创业企业家关系研究述评. 外国经济与管理. 2003(11):2-6.
张帆,张帏. 美国大学创业教育发展及其对中国的启示. 中国人才. 2003(8):7-10.
张帏, 姜彦福, 陈耀刚,等. 风险投资中的代理问题、风险分担与制度安排. 科研管理, 2002, 23(01):122-127.
陈耀刚, 姜彦福, 张帏. 对高新技术成果出资入股比例政策变化的探讨[J]. 科学学与科学技术管理, 2002, 23(01):9-12.
张帏, 姜彦福, 陈耀刚. 风险投资策略探讨. 科学学与科学技术管理, 2001, 22(10):41-43.
姜彦福, 张帏, 孙悦. 大企业参与风险投资的动因和机制探讨. 中国软科学, 2001(01):39-41.
张帏, 陈耀刚. 大企业内部借鉴风险投资机制的探讨. 科技导报, 2000, 18(09):47-48.
张帏,高建,白思迪, Paul Vega. 变局中的中国创业投资,北大商业评论,2007年第11期,130-132页. (编辑部根据相关的英文论文其中一部分翻译)
Jiguo Qi, Steven White, Wei Zhang, Building entrepreneurial infrastructure: Agency, emergence and China's venture financing system, Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings, 2023. (Best Paper Award)
Jiguo Qi,Steven White and Wei Zhang,Friends in Low Places: Status, Structure and Venture Capital Syndicate Performance. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings 2020(1):14050. (Best Paper Award)DOI: 10.5465/AMBPP.2020.120
Wei Zhang and Jiguo Qi. A Study of the Impact of Venture Capital Firm Status on Syndication Performance. 6th AIEA-NBER Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship. August 16-19, 2018. Asia School of Business, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA.
Jing Zhang and Wei Zhang. Partnering With Firms from Bridging Economies:Cross-Border Venture Capital Investments in Transforming Economies. 2018 Academy of Management Meeting, August 10-14, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Wei Zhang, Steven White and Jianxi Luo. The accidental institutional entrepreneur: How a startup emerged as the root of China’s solar industry cluster. 2018 Industry Studies Conference, May 30 - June 1, 2018. Seattle, Washington.
Wei Zhang, Steven White and Jiguo Qi. Institutional entrepreneurship and the emergence of China’s venture capital industry. 2018 Industry Studies Conference, May 30 - June 1, 2018. Seattle, Washington.
Jing Zhang and Wei Zhang. Legal System and Syndication Strategy: Cross-border Venture Capital Investments in China. 2018 IACMR Conference. June 15-19, Wuhan, China.
Wei Zhang, Steven White and Jiguo Qi. China's VC industry: A punctuated structuration model of institutional entrepreneurship. 2016 Academy of Management Meeting, August 5-9, Anaheim, California, USA.
Jing Zhang and Wei Zhang. Legal System and Syndication Strategy: Cross-border Venture Capital Investments in China. 2016 Academy of Management Meeting, August 5-9, Anaheim, California, USA.
Wei Zhang,Steven White and Jianxi Luo. From pioneer venture to root firm: Suntech and the emergence of China’s leading solar PV cluster. IACMR Conference 2016, June 15-19, 2016. Hangzhou, China.
Wei Zhang, Steven White and Jiguo Qi. China’s venture capital industry: A punctuated structuration model of institutional entrepreneurship. 3rd AIEA-NBER conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Univ. of Tokyo, Aug. 19-20, 2015.
Wei Zhang, Steven White. How venture capitalists foster or destroy relational rents:The entrepreneur’s perspective. 2014 Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting, Aug.1-5,2014.
Wei Zhang,Jianxi Luo and Steven White. “Global entrepreneurship and the emergence of a root firm in China’s solar PV industry”. Strategic Management Society Conference (Tel Aviv, Israel), 2014.3.9-10.
Wei Zhang,Jianxi Luo and Steven White. Global entrepreneurship and the origin of an ecosystem root firm: The case of China’s solar PV industry”. DRUID 2014 on Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Organization (Copenhagen), 2014.6.16-17.
Wei Zhang, Steven White. Overcoming The “Liability Of Newness”: Entrepreneurial Action And The Emergence Of China’s Solar PV Industry. 2013 Academy Of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting, Aug. 9-13,2013.
Wei Zhang, Steven White, Yimiao Zhao. Behind The Emergence of China's Solar Industry: Entrepreneurial Legitimacy Building and Resource Mobilization. 2012 Industry Studies Conference, May 29–June 1, 2012, Pittsburgh, USA.
Wei Zhang, Steven White. Overcoming the “liability of newness”: Entrepreneurial action and the emergence of China’s solar PV industry", Industrial Co-Development (INCODE ) Conference,at Copenhagen Business School, September 24-25, 2012.
Wei Zhang, Steven White and Yuming Ye. AFFECT, BEHAVIOR AND THE DYNAMICS UNDERLYING ENTREPRENEUR AND VENTURE CAPITALIST RELATIONSHIPS, 2012 Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business (RENT)Conference at EM Lyon School of Management, 2012
Zhang J., Zhang W., Murphy P. An Evolutionary Perspective of Resource-based View. IACMR 2008 conference,2008.
Zhang J., Zhang W., Murphy P. The Evolutionary RBV: A Longitudinal Process Study of a Chinese Entrepreneurial Venture, 2007 Academy of Management Conference, 2007-08-06.
Wei Zhang, Steven White. Discretionary Cooperation in Entrepreneur-VC Relationship: A study based on the entrepreneur’s perspective, Proceedings of 2007 International Conference on Strategic Management, 2007-04-19. (ISTP)
Vega P., Zhang W., Chong L. C. Venture capital in China: Investment processes and decision making factors. Paper presented in 2005 Academy of Management Conference. 2005. (Aug. 2005-10-20, Hawaii, USA).
White S., Zhang W., Gao J. Financing New Technology Ventures in China: Institutional Trajectories and System Structure. Paper presented in the 2004 Academy of Management Conference, 2004. (Aug. 2004, New Orleans, USA).
Steven WHITE, Jian GAO and Wei ZHANG. ANTECEDENTS AND INSTITUTIONALIZATION OF CHINA’S VENTURE CAPITAL SYSTEM. Paper presented in Asia Academy of Management Conference 2004. (Dec. 2004, Shanghai)
Jiang Yanfu,Zhang Wei and Ye Ying. Venture Capitalist-entrepreneur Relationship Based on Trust, The 5th International Conference on Management, May 2004.
Zhang Wei, Jiang Yanfu, Chen Yaogang. 2002. A survey-based study of venture capital governance in mainland China. Paper presented in the 3rd International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology(ICMIT’02 & ISMOT'02), Zhejiang University. Hangzhou, October 25-27, 2002.
张帏, 陈耀刚. 创业企业家人力资本特性与风险企业治理机制, 9th Global Finance Conference,Guanghua School of Management, Beijing University, Beijing, May 27-29, 2002.
Zhang W., Jiang Y.F. The relationship between venture capitalists’ experience and their involvement in the VC-backed companies. Paper presented at the 9th Global Finance Conference, Guanghua School of Management, Beijing University. Beijing. May 27-29, 2002.
张帏,沈梅华. 清锋科技:用3D打印实现分布式“智造”,清华大学工商管理案例中心接受入库。2021.
张帏,刘丽娟. 李晓辉. 梦之城(E)——漫漫的融资与成长. 清华大学工商管理案例中心接受入库,2021.
张帏,刘丽娟, 梦之城案例(D)——漫漫的内部孵化与分拆,清华大学工商管理案例中心收录, 2019.
张帏,刘丽娟, 梦之城案例(C),清华大学工商管理案例中心收录, 2018.
张帏, 刘丽娟. 生命方舟创业之路,清华大学工商管理案例中心,2015.
张帏,刘丽娟, 梦之城案例(B),清华大学工商管理案例中心收录, 2014.
张帏,刘丽娟, 梦之城案例(A),清华大学工商管理案例中心收录, 2013.
张帏,张欣, 张琳,奥琦玮公司,清华大学工商管理案例中心,2009
张帏,姜彦福. 风险企业中的所有权和控制权配置研究,清华大学中国经济研究中心研究论文,No.200303期,2003-03-01