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金融系    教授



办公室:李华楼 B312

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9/1997–1/2001    成人自拍视频-成人在线自拍 经济学博士

9/1992–7/1995    成人自拍视频-成人在线自拍 经济学硕士

9/1984–7/1988    哈尔滨工业大学工学学士




2009至今       成人自拍视频-成人在线自拍 教授


2004-2009       成人自拍视频-成人在线自拍 副教授


2001 – 2004      成人自拍视频-成人在线自拍 讲师


1/2007–6/2007     麻省理工成人自拍视频 斯隆管理成人自拍视频 访问学者

11/2001–12/2001   香港科技大学管理成人自拍视频 访问学者











  1. Viral V. Acharya, Jun “QJ” Qian, Yang Su and Zhishu Yang, 2024, "Fiscal Stimulus, Deposit Competition, and the Rise of Shadow Banking: Evidence from China", Management Science, forthcoming.

  2. Neil Pearson, Zhishu Yang and Jacky Qi Zhang, 2021, “The Chinese Warrants Bubble: Evidence from Brokerage Account Records”, Review of Financial Studies 34, 264-312.

  3. Kalok Chan, Baolian Wang and Zhishu Yang, 2019, “Why Investors Do not Buy Cheaper Securities?  Evidence from a Natural Experiment”, Journal of Banking and Finance 101, 59-76.

  4.  Jun “QJ” Qian, Philip E. Strahan, and Zhishu Yang, 2015, “The Impact of Incentives and Communication Costs on Information Production: Evidence from Bank Lending”, Journal of Finance 70, 1457-1493.

  5. Darren Duxbury, Robert Hudson, Kevin Keasey, Zhishu Yang, and Songyao Yao, 2015, “Do the Disposition and House Money Effects Coexist? A Reconciliation of Two Behavioral Biases”, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money 34,55-68.

  6. Darren Duxbury, Robert Hudson, Kevin Keasey, Zhishu Yang, and Songyao Yao, 2013, How prior realized outcomes affect portfolio decisions, Review of Financial Quantitative and Accounting 41, 611-629.

  7. Warren Bailey, Victor Huang and Zhishu Yang, 2011, “Bank Loans with Chinese Characteristics: Some Evidence on Inside Debt in a State-Controlled Banking System”, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 46(6), 1795–1830.

  8. Winnie Peng, K. C. John Wei, and Zhishu Yang, 2011, “Tunneling or Propping: Evidence from Connected Transactions in China”, Journal of Corporate Finance 17, 306-325.

  9. Jingyun Ma, Fengming Song, Zhishu Yang, 2010, "The dual role of the government: securities market regulation in China 1980-2007", Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance 18(2), 158 – 177.

  10. Kuan-Pin Lin, Albert Menkveld and Zhishu Yang, 2009, "Chinese and World Equity Markets: A Review of the First Fifteen Years", China Economic Review 20(1), 29-45.

  11. Chan, Kalok, Albert J. Menkveld, and Zhishu Yang, 2008, Information Asymmetry and Asset Prices: Evidence from the China Foreign Share Discount, Journal of Finance 63(1), 159-196.

  12. Kalok Chan, Albert Menkveld and Zhishu Yang, 2007, “The informativeness of domestic and foreign investors’ stock trades: Evidence from the perfectly segmented Chinese market”, Journal of Financial Markets 10, 391-415. 

Working Paper

  1. Neil D. Pearson, Zhishu Yang, and Qi Zhang, 2024, "Does Market Selection Eliminate Poorly Performing Investors? Evidence from Chinese Brokerage Account Records", Working Paper.

  2. James J. Choi, Dong Huang, Zhishu Yang and Jacky Qi Zhang, 2024, "Better than Human? Experiments with AI Debt Collectors", Working Paper.

  3. Dan Luo, Michael Weber, Zhishu Yang and Jacky Qi Zhang, 2024, "Transmission Of Quantity-based Monetary Policy Through Heterogeneous Banks In China", Working Paper.

  4. Scott Baker, Efraim Benmelech, Zhishu Yang and Jacky Qi Zhang, 2023, “Fertility and Savings: The Effect of China’s Two-Child Policy on Household Savings”, Working paper.

  5. Guang Cheng, Christian T. Lundblad, Zhishu Yang and Jacky Qi Zhang, 2023, “Detecting Insider Trading in the Era of Big Data and Machine Learning”, Working paper.

  6. Christian T. Lundblad, Zhishu Yang and Jacky Qi Zhang, 2020, “Informed Trading Volume and Asset Prices: The Role for Aggressive Investors”, Working paper.




近年培养的硕士学生继续到国际一流商成人自拍视频 攻读金融学博士学位,包括:Ohio Fisher, USC Marshall, Yale SOM, Northwestern Kellogg, Chicago Booth, Stanford GSB, NYU Stern, Harvard HBS, LSE, BC Carroll,  Alberta, HKUST, Leeds, INSEAD, Toronto.
