[1] Peter Eppinger and Hong Ma, “Optimal Ownership and Firm Performance: Theory and Evidence from China's FDI Liberalization”, Accepted by Review of Economics and Statistics
[2] Jiandong Ju, Hong Ma, Zi Wang, and Xiaodong Zhu, “Trade Wars and Industrial Policy Competition”, 2024 Journal of Monetary Economics.
[3] Bing Lu and Hong Ma “The ``Matthew Effect'' in Rebates: How Does VAT Rebates Allocation Affect Firm Export Performance”, Journal of Public Economics 2023. No.104982
[4] Yuan Xu, Rob Feenstra and Hong Ma, "Magnification of the "China Shock" Through the US Housing Market" covered by WSJ. Review of International Economics 2023
[5] Hong Ma and Lingsheng Meng, "Heterogeneous Impacts of the Section 301 Tariffs: Evidence from the Revision of Product Lists", Canadian Journal of Economics 2023 v56(1)
[6] Xue Bai, Arpita Chatterjee, and Kala Krishna, Hong Ma, “Trade and Minimum Wages in General Equilibrium: Theory and Evidence”, Journal of International Economics 2021, v133, No.103535
[7] Liu Qing and Hong Ma “Trade Policy Uncertainty and Firm Innovation: Evidence from China”, Journal of International Economics, 2020, v127, no.103387.
[8] Rob Feenstra, Hong Ma and Yuan Xu “US Exports and Employment” Journal of International Economics. 2019 v120: 46-58
[9] Xue Bai, Kala Krishna, and Hong Ma “How Do You Export Matters: Export Mode, Learning and Productivity”, Journal of International Economics, 2017, Vol.104 (1):122-137.
[10] Daniel Berkowitz, Hong Ma, and Shuichiro Nishioka, “Recasting the Iron Rice Bowl: The Reform of China's State Owned Enterprises” Review of Economics and Statistics, 2017, 99(4): 735-747
[11] Hongbin Li, Hong Ma, and Yuan Xu “How do Exchange Rate Movements Affect Chinese Exports: A Firm-Level Investigation” Journal of International Economics, 2015. V.97(1):148-161.
[12] Hong Ma, Xue Qiao and Yuan Xu “Job Creation and Job Destruction in China during 1998-2007” Journal of Comparative Economics 43 (2015): 1085-1100
[13] Hong Ma, Zhi Wang, and Kunfu Zhu “Domestic Content in China’s Exports and Its Distribution by Firm Ownership”, Journal of Comparative Economics, 43(2015): 3-18.
[14] Rob Feenstra, Hong Ma, Peter Neary, and Prasada Rao “Who Shrunk China? Puzzles in the Measurement of Real GDP”, Economic Journal, 2013, 123 (December): 1100-1129.
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