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经济系    副教授

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2007-2010 成人自拍视频-成人在线自拍 经济系 助理教授

2010至今 成人自拍视频-成人在线自拍 经济系 副教授
















Jing Cao, Xiao Liu, Rong Ma, and Ang Sun, Anti-social Response to the Coal to Gas Regulation: An Unintended Consequence of a Residential Energy Policy, Management Science, forthcoming

Jing Cao, Soo Keong Yong, Management Practices and Energy Efficiency: Evidence from Firms in China, Journal of Comparative Economics, forthcoming

Soo Keong Yong, Ulrich J. Wagner, Peiyao Shen, Laure de Preux, Mirabelle Muûls, Ralf Martin, and Jing Cao, Management Practices and Climate Policy in China, Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resources Economists, 2024(11), 5, 1065-1100

Jing Cao, Mun S. Ho, Rong Ma, and Yu Zhang, Transition from Plan to Market: Imperfect Regulations in the Electricity Sector of China, Journal of Comparative Economics, 2024(52) 509-533

Jing Cao, Rong Ma, Mitigating Agricultural Fires with Carrot or Stick? Evidence from China, Journal of Development Economics, 2023 (165), DOI: 10.1016/j.jdeveco.2023.103173

Cao, Jing, Mun Ho and Qingfeng Liu (2023) “Analyzing multi-greenhouse gas mitigation of China using a general equilibrium model,” Environmental Research Letters, 18, 025001.


Jing Cao, Dai, Hancheng, Li, Shantong, He, Chaoyi Guo, Mun Ho, Wenjia Cai, Jianwu He, Hai Huang, Jifeng Li, Yu Liu, Haoqi Qian, Can Wang, Libo Wu, Xiliang Zhang (2021), "The general equilibrium impacts of carbon tax policy in China: A multi-model comparison", Energy Economics, Vol. 99 (online)

Jing Cao, Ho, Mun S., Ma, Rong, Teng, Fei (2021), "When carbon emission trading meets a regulated industry: Evidence from the electricity sector of China", Journal of Public Economics, 200 Aug 2021

Haoqi Qian, Shaodan Xu, Jing Cao, Feizhou Ren, Wendong Wei, Libo Wu (2021), Air pollution reduction and climate co-benefits in China's industries, Nature Sustainability Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 417-425,

Minghao Qiu, Yangqin Weng, Jing Cao, Noelle E. Selin, and Valerie J. Karplus (2020), Improving Evaluation of Energy Policies with Multiple Goals: Comparing Ex Ante and Ex Post Approaches, Environmental Science & Technology 54, 15584-15593

Jing Cao, Mun S. Ho, Wenhao Hu and Dale Jorgenson (2020), Urban Household Consumption in China: Price, Income, and Demographic Effects, Review of Development Economics (online)

Jing Cao, Mun S. Ho, and Rong Ma (2020), Analyzing Carbon Pricing Policies Using a General Equilibrium Model with Production Parameters Estimated Using Firm Data, Energy Economics 92, 104958.

Jing Cao, Mun S. Ho, Wenhao Hu and Dale Jorgenson (2020), Effective Labor Supply and Growth Outlook in China, China Economic Review (58), available online 23 January 2020 //doi.org/10.1016/j.chieco.2019.101398

Jing Cao, Mun S. Ho, Wenhao Hu and Dale Jorgenson (2020), Estimating flexible consumption functions for urban and rural households in China. China Economic Review (61), available online March 30, 2020, //doi.org/10.1016/j.chieco.2020.101453

Jing Cao, Mun Ho, Dale W. Jorgenson, Chris P. Nielsen (2019) "China’s Emissions Trading System and an ETS-carbon tax hybrid", Energy Economics (81), 741-753

Ge Zhu, Wenhao Hu, Yifan Liu, Jing Cao, Zongwei Ma, Yu Deng, Clive E. Sabel, Haikun Wang, Health burdens of ambient PM2.5 pollution across Chinese cities during 2006–2015. Volume 243, pp. 250-256, Journal of Environmental Management, 2019.

Wenhao Hu, Mun S. Ho, Jing Cao, "Energy Consumption of Urban Households in China", China Economic Review (58), available online 23 August 2019, //doi.org/10.1016/j.chieco.2019.101343

Jingxu Wang, Jintai Lin, Kuishuang Feng, Peng Liu, Mingxi Du, Ruijing Ni, Lulu Chen, Hao Kong, Hongjian Weng, Mengyao Liu, Giovanni Baiocchi, Yu Zhao, Zhifu Mi, Jing CaoKlaus Hubacek (2019), "Environmental Taxation and Regional Inequality in China", Science Bulletin 64(22)1691-1699

Nan Zhong, Jing Cao, Yuzhu Wang (2017), “Traffic Congestion, Ambient Air Pollution and Health – Evidence from Driving Restrictions in Beijing,” Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 4(3), pp. 821-856.

Hu, Z., J. Cao, L.J. Hong (2012) “Robust Simulation of Global Warming Policies Using the DICE Model,” Management Science 58(12), pp.2190-2206, 2012.

Cao, J., R. Garbaccio and M. Ho (2009) “China’s 11th Five-Year Plan and the Environment: Reducing SO2 Emissions,” Review of Environmental Economics and Policy 3(2), pp 231-250.

Cao, J., M. Ho and D. Jorgenson (2009) “The Local and Global Benefits of Green Tax Policies in China,” Review of Environmental Economic and Policy 3(2), pp. 189-208.
