技术和新经济(Technology and the New Economy):与阮志华共同编辑(包括书写引言及结语),由Robert Lucas Jr.作序,收集了BoyanJovanovic and Peter Rousseau, Timothy Bresnahan and Franco Malerba, Danny Quah, Jeffrey Sachs and John McArthur, and Michael Woodford等人的文章, 由麻省理工成人自拍视频
中国经济增长潜力研究(A Research on China’s Economic Growth Potential):与张琼合著,由Routledge出版社于2017年出版。
Entrepreneurial Reluctance: Talent and Firm Creation in China. (with Ruixue Jia, Hongbin Li, and Xin Wang), Economic Journal, October 2024.
The Long Shadow of China’s Fiscal Expansion. (with Chang-tai Hsieh, Michael Zheng Song), Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, pp.129-165, Fall 2016.
Do College Entrance Examination Scores Predict Undergraduate GPAs? A Tale of Two Universities. (with Wei Chi and Xiaoye Qian), China Economic Review, 30: 632-647, September 2014.
Measuring Market Concentration in China: the Problem with using Censored Data and its Rectification. (with Jie Mao and Qiong Zhang), China Economic Review, 30: 432–447, September 2014.
Income inequality and mobility of rural households in China from 2003 to 2006.(with Wenkai Sun and Xianghong Wang),China Agricultural Economic Review,6(1),pp 73-91,2014.
Property Taxes and Home Prices: A Tale of Two Cities. (with Qi Li and Min Ouyang), Journal of Econometrics, 180(1): 1-15, May 2014 (lead article of the issue).
Health Insurance and Consumption: Evidence from China's New Cooperative Medical Scheme. (with Binzhen Wu), Journal of Comparative Economics, 42( 2): 450-69, May 2014.
China’s Structural Adjustment from the Income Distribution Perspective. China Finance and Economics Review, 1(1), 2012.
Spatial Spillover and Regional Economic Growth in China. (with Hong Ma and Wenqing Pan), China Economic Review, 23(4): 982-990, 2012.
The Factor Income Distribution in China: 1978-2007. (with Zhenjie Qian), China Economic Review, 21(4): 650-670, 2010.
Capital or Knowhow: The Role of Foreign Multinationals in Sino-foreign Joint Ventures. (with Jiangyong Lu and Zhigang Tao), China Economic Review, 21(4): 629-638, 2010.
Infrastructure Development in China: The Cases of Electricity, Highways, and Railways. (with Yingyi Qian), Journal of Comparative Economics 38(1): 34–51, 2010.
Introduction to the Special Issue on the Distribution of National Income in a Transitional Economy. Social Sciences in China, Vol. XXX, No. 4, 126-130, November 2009.
Who Is the Predator, Who the Prey?— An Analysis of Changes in the State of China’s National Income Distribution. (with Zhenjie Qian), Social Sciences in China, Vol. XXX, No. 4, 179-205, November 2009.
Excludable Public Goods: Pricing and Social Welfare Maximization. (with Yi Lu and Zhigang Tao), Economics Letters, 103: 72–74, 2009.
How Does Privatization Work in China? (with Jiangyong Lu and Zhigang Tao), Journal of Comparative Economics, 37 (3): 453–470, 2009.
Bureaucratic Integration and Regional Specialization in China. (with Zhigang Tao and Sarah Tong), China Economic Review, 19(2): 308–319, 2008.
The Return to Capital in China. (with Chang-tai Hsieh and Yingyi Qian), Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, no. 2: 61-101, 2006.
Property Rights Protection and Access to Bank Loans: Evidence from Private Enterprises in China. (with Jiangyong Lu and Zhigang Tao), Economics of Transition, 14(4): 611–628, 2006.
The Multitask Theory of State Enterprise Reform: Empirical Evidence from China. (with Jiangyong Lu and Zhigang Tao), American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, 96(2): 353-357, May 2006.
How China’s Investment Climate Affects Performance of FIEs. (with Jiangyong Lu and Zhigang Tao), China Economist, the inaugurating issue, No. 1, March 2006.
An Empirical Study on Corporate Governance and Market Valuation in China. (with Qiao Liu, Joe Lu, Frank M. Song, and Junxi Zhang), Frontiers of Economics in China, the inaugurating issue, 1(1): 83-111, January 2006.
Incentives for CEOs with Multitasks: Evidence from Chinese State-owned Enterprises. (with Colin Xu), Journal of Comparative Economics, 33(3): 517-539, September 2005.
Corporate Governance and Market Valuation in China. (with Qiao Liu, Joe Lu, Frank M. Song, and Junxi Zhang), Journal of Comparative Economics, 32(4): 599-616, December 2004. (该期首篇文章;该文的缩写版刊登在世界银行关于改革经济的通讯 “Beyond Transition”, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp: 8-9, October-December, 2004, 以及俄国转型经济通讯“Russian Transition Newsletter”, pp: 1, 4-7, October-December, 2004;该文为Journal of Comparative Economics在2005-2009年间发表的文章中被引用次数最多的10篇之一,也是同期被下载次数最多的10篇之一,为发表于所有Elsevier出版社出版的经济学期刊里的文章中在2004至2008年间被引用次数最多的中国大陆作者。)
Revenue Sharing and Control Rights in Team Production: Theories and Evidence from Joint Ventures. (with Zhigang Tao and Changqi Wu), Rand Journal of Economics, 35(2): 277-305, Summer 2004.
Local Protectionism and Regional Specialization: Evidence from China's Industries. (with Yingjuan Du, Zhigang Tao, and Sarah Tong), Journal of International Economics, 63(2): 397-417, August 2004.
Uncertainty in Labor Productivity and Specific Human Capital Investment. (with Yijiang Wang), Journal of Labor Economics, 21(3), July 2003.
Financial Repression and Optimal Taxation. (with David Li, Yingyi Qian, and Yijiang Wang), Economics Letters, 70(2): 245-251, February 2001.
A Multi-Task Theory of the State Enterprise Reform. (with David Li, Zhigang Tao, and Yijiang Wang), Journal of Comparative Economics, 28(4), December 2000.
Capital Structure and Product Market Strategy. (with Shan Li), Annals of Economics and Finance, 1(2), November 2000.
Contract Mixing in Franchising as a Mechanism for Public Good Provision. (with Zhigang Tao), Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 9(1), Spring 2000.
The Myth of the East Asian Miracle: The Macroeconomic Implications of Soft Budgets. (with Yijiang Wang), American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, 89(2), May 1999.
Efficiency Losses from Tax Distortions vs. Government Control. (with Roger H. Gordon and David Li), European Economic Review, 43(4-6), April 1999.
Bureaucratic Control and the Soft Budget Constraint. (with Yijiang Wang), Journal of Comparative Economics, 26(1), March 1998.
The Soft Budget Constraint and Transition Economies: Introduction. Journal of Comparative Economics, 26(1), March 1998.
Earnings Profile and Monitoring under Asymmetric Information. Economics Letters 57(2), December 1997.
Enterprise Productivity and Efficiency: When Is Up Really Down? (with David Li and Yijiang Wang), Journal of Comparative Economics 24(3), June 1997.
Hyperaccuracy of Bootstrap Based Prediction, (with Peter Bickel and Richard Olshen), in Probability in Banach Spaces 7, Progress in Probability, Birkhauser, 1990.
Discussion of "Theoretical Comparison of Bootstrap Confidence Intervals,” by Peter Hall, (with Richard Olshen), Annals of Statistics, 16, 1988.
地方保护主义以及产业的地区集中度的决定因素和变动趋势。经济研究,2004年第4期,29-40页。(与杜颖娟,陶志刚和仝月婷合作,英文版由Journal of International Economics于2004年8月发表。人民大学复印报刊资料《国民经济管理》2004年第6期转载。)
中国上市公司治理结构的实证研究。经济研究,2005年第2期,81-91页。(与刘俏 ,陆洲,宋敏,和张俊喜合作。)
中国私营企业银行贷款的经验研究。经济学(季刊),2005年第3期,605-622页。(与路江涌,陶志刚合作,英文版将由Economics of Transition发表。)
劳动收入份额的决定因素——来自中国省际面板数据的证据。世界经济,2010 年第12 期,3-27页。(与钱震杰合作,该期首篇文章。)
户籍制度改革对中国农村劳动力流动的影响。经济研究 , 2011年第1期,28-42页。(与孙文凯和谢沛初合作。)
Thriving on a Tilted Playing Field: China’s Non-State Enterprises in the Reform Era, (with David Li and Yijiang Wang), pp. 97-121 in Nicolas Hope, Dennis Tao Yang, and Mu Yang Li eds, “How Far Across the River? Chinese Policy Reform at the Millennium,” Stanford University Press, 2003.
Comment on “The Institutional Determinants of State Capabilities in Latin America,” by Ernesto Stein and Mariano Tommasi; “Lowering the Cost of Capital in Emerging Market Economies,” by Erik Berglof, Patrick Bolton, Sergei Guriev, and Ekaterina Zhuravskaya; and “Privatization: What Have We Learned?” by Sergei Guriev and William Megginson, pp. 303-308 in Francois Bourguignon and Boris Pleskovic eds, “Beyong Tranisiton”, Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics, 2007.