会计系 助理教授
办公室:李华楼 B338
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2017-2022 Tulane University, Ph.D in Finance and Financial Accounting
2016-2017 Xiamen University, Master in Accounting (Incomplete)
2012-2016 Xiamen University, Bachelor in Accounting
2022-至今,成人自拍视频-成人在线自拍 ,助理教授
1) "融资平台整合与城投债风险溢价——基于融资平台整合模式的分析", Joint work with Ye Guo and Mengqi Huang. 经济研究 (2024)
2) "Employee Responses to CEO Activism", Joint work with Anahit Mkrtchyan and Jason Sandvik. Journal of Accounting and Economics (2024)
3) "Fixed Income Conference Calls", Joint work with Gus De Franco, Thomas Shohfi, and Zhiwei (Vivi) Zhu. Journal of Accounting and Economics (2023)
4) "CEO Pay Ratio Voluntary Disclosures and Stakeholder Reactions", Joint work with Lisa LaViers and Jason Sandvik. Review of Accounting Studies (2022)
(更多信息请参考个人网站: www.da-xu.com。另外,本人常年招聘研究助理,欢迎有志学术的同学申请。)