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金融系    教授







2002   美国纽约大学Stern商成人自拍视频 ,MBA

1997   美国纽约大学,金融数学博士

1993   美国纽约大学,物理学,硕士

1991   中国科技大学,物理学,学士



2024/2-今               清华大学经管成人自拍视频 金融系主任

2016/12-今             成人自拍视频-成人在线自拍 金融系教授(长聘)

2014/9-2016/12     成人自拍视频-成人在线自拍 金融系副教授(长聘)

2003/3-2014/9       成人自拍视频-成人在线自拍 金融系副教授

2000/5-2002/12     美国花旗集团(纽约),定量研究主管(VP)

1997/2-2000/5       美国花旗集团(纽约),风险分析师(VP)








1. Trend Factor in China: The Role of Large Individual Trading.(2024) Review of Asset Pricing Studies,Vol 14, 348-380. (with Liu Y. and Zhou G.)

2. Technical Analysis in the Stock Market: A Review.(2024) Chapter in Handbook of Investment Analysis, Portfolio Management, and Financial Derivatives. World Scientific. (Lee, C. et al ed.) (with Han Y., Liu Y., Zhou G.)

3. The Chinese Warrant Bubble: a Fundamental Analysis. Journal of Futures Markets. 41,3-26,2021.(with Y. Wang and G. Zhou)  

4. Learning and Predictability via Technical Analysis: Evidence from Bitcoin and Stocks with Hard-to-Value Fundamentals. Financial Management. 50107-1372021. with Detzel, A., Liu, H., Strauss, J. and G. Zhou

5. A Trend Factor: Any Economic Gains from Using Information over Investment Horizons? Journal of Financial Economics, 122,352-375, 2016. (with Han Y.F., Zhou G.F.)

6. Macroeconomic Volatilities and Long-run Risks of Asset Prices, Management Science,61(2),413-430,2015. (with Zhou G.F.)

7. 官员晋升压力,金融市场化与房价增长,《金融研究》,2013第1期,65-78(合作者许丹)

8. Asset Allocation: Can Technical Analysis Add Value?", International Journal of Portfolio Analysis and Management, 1(1), 43-58, 2012. (with Zhou G.F. and Qiang S.)

9. Volatility Trading: What is the Role of the Long-Run Volatility Component? Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 47(2),273-307,2012.(Lead article). (with Zhou G.F.)

10. 投资者是非理性的吗? ――卖空限制下我国权证价格偏离探析,《金融研究》,2012年第1期,194-206(合作者王茵田,章真)

11. 我国宏观经济因素对股市预测力研究,《投资研究》,2012年第11期,76-87(合作者吴美,陈超)

12. 中国股票市场风险溢价研究,《金融研究》,2011年第7期,152-166(合作者王茵田),

13. 房地产价格指数周期的宏观分析,《投资研究》,2011年第7期, 22-31(合作者杨斌、刘小波)

14. Is the Recent Financial Crisis Really a “Once-in-a-Century” Event? Financial Analysts Journal, 66(1), 24-27, 2010. (with Zhou G.F.)

15. Volatility Component: the Term Structure of VIX Futures" , Journal of Futures Markets, 30(3), 230-256, 2010. (with Lu Z.J.)

16. Technical Analysis: An Asset Allocation Perspective on the Use of Moving Averages, Journal of Financial Economics, 92(3),519-544, 2009. (with Zhou G.F.)

17. Variance Term Structure and VIX Futures Pricing, International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance , 1(10),111-127,2007. (with Zhang J.E.)

18. VIX Futures, Journal of Futures Markets , 26(2), 521-531, 2006. (Lead article) (with Zhang J.E.).

19. 创建竞争优势,经济管理出版社 2005 (合作者卢强)

20. A risk-neutral volatility model, International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance, 1(2), 289-310, 1998. (with Avellaneda M.),

21. An E-ARCH model for the term structure of implied volatility of FX options, Applied Mathematical Finance, 4, 81-100,1997. (with Avellaneda M.)
