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领导力与组织管理系    教授

成人自拍视频-成人在线自拍 院长助理



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2003 美国明尼苏达大学(University of Minnesota) 人力资源管理与工业关系 博士 辅修统计

1998 中国人民大学 经济学 学士



2023.12-至今   成人自拍视频-成人在线自拍   教授

2017.08-2023.12  成人自拍视频-成人在线自拍   长聘副教授 

2008.12-2017.08  成人自拍视频-成人在线自拍   副教授

2005.08-2008.12  成人自拍视频-成人在线自拍   助理教授

2003.08-2005.07  美国堪萨斯州立大学(Kansas State University) 助理教授



出版教材《人力资源经济学》,获得清华大学优秀教材奖(2012)成人自拍视频-成人在线自拍 教学优秀一等奖(2018),清华大学教学成果一等奖(2019),北京市高等教育教学成果奖二等奖(2021)。



研究领域为人力资本、劳动力市场与就业、人才管理与高管团队、关注数字经济下的人力资源问题。主持多项国家级、校级科研项目。在国外重要期刊Journal of Applied Psychology, Human Resource Management Journal发表多篇英文文章;在《管理世界》、《管理科学学报》、《中国软科学》等国内期刊发表多篇中文学术论文,出版2本专著等。

  获得北京市第十七届哲学社会科学优秀成果奖二等奖(2023)、Journal of Organizational Behavior年度最佳论文奖(2022)、China Economic Review年度最佳论文(2016);还曾获得European Academy of Management (EURAM)'s Most Inspirational Conference Paper (2019),Academy of Management (AOM) Meeting Best Paper Proceeding in the HR Division (2017)。清华大学校级先进工作者,北京市英才计划。




迟巍,数字经济背景下的人力资本,清华大学出版社 2022

迟巍,吴斌珍,钱晓烨,梁琦. 我国城镇家庭教育支出研究,清华大学出版社 2012


Min, X., Chi, W.*, Hu, X., & Ye, Q. (2024). Set a Goal for Yourself? A Model and Field Experiment With Gig Workers. Production and Operations Management, 33(1), 205-224. 

Zhou, J., Li, N., & Chi, W. 2022. Getting ahead or getting along? How motivational orientations forge newcomers' cohort network structures, task assistance, and turnover. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 43(3), 410-429.

Han, Y., Chi, W., & Zhou, J.2022. Prosocial imprint: CEO childhood famine experience and corporate philanthropic donation. Journal of Business Research, 139, 1604-1618.

Bai, C. E., Chi, W., Liu, T. X., Tang, C., & Xu, J. 2021. Boosting pension enrollment and household consumption by example: A field experiment on information provision. Journal of Development Economics, 150, 102622.

Chi, Wei, Liao, H., Wang, L., Zhao, R., Ye, Q. 2019. Incentives to move up: Effects of pay gaps between levels on employee performance. Human Resource Management Journal, 29: 238-253.

Chi, Wei, Liu, Tracy X., Qian, X., Ye, Q. 2019. An experimental study of incentive contracts for short and long-term employees. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 159: 366-383.

Zhou, Jinyi, Chi, Wei, Zhu, W. No good deed is too small: Experimental studies of identities and workplace saving behavior. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2017(1): 12596.

Chi, Wei, Kleiner, Morris, & Qian, Xiaoye. 2017. Do occupational regulations increase earnings? The impact of professional certification and licensing on wage determination in China. Industrial Relations, 56(2): 351-381.

Hu, S., Wan, Z., Ye, Q., & Chi, Wei. 2017. Supplier behavior in capacity investment competition: An experimental study. Production and Operations Management, 26(2): 273-291.

Chi, Wei, Li, Wendong, Wang, Nan, and Song, Zhaoli. 2016. Can genes play a role in explaining frequent job changes? An examination of gene-environment interaction from human capital theory. Journal of Applied Psychology, 101(7):1030-1044.

Chi, Wei, Qian, Xiaoye. 2016. Human capital investment in children: an empirical study of household child education expenditure in China, 2007 and 2011. China Economic Review, 37: 52-65.

Budd, J.W, Chi, Wei, Wang, YJ, Xie, Qianyun. 2014. What do unions in China do? Provincial-evidence on wages, employment, productivity, and economic output. Journal of Labor Research, 35(2): 185-204.

Bai, Chong-en, Chi, Wei, Qian, Xiaoye. 2014. Do college entrance examination scores predict undergraduate GPAs? A tale of two universities? China Economic Review, 30: 632-647.

Chi, Wei, Li, Bo. 2014.Trends in China's gender employment and pay gaps: estimating gender pay gaps with employment selection. Journal of Comparative Economics, 42(3), 708-725.

Chi,Wei, Qian, Xiaoye. 2013. Regional disparity of labor's share in China: Evidence and explanation. China Economic Review, 27: 277-293.

Chi, Wei. 2012. Capital income and income inequality: Evidence from Urban China. Journal of Comparative Economics, 40(2):228-239.

Chi, Wei, Li, Bo, Yu, Qiumei. 2011. Decomposition of the increase in earnings inequality in urban China: a distributional approach. China Economic Review, 22: 299-312.

Chi, Wei, Richard Freeman, Morris Kleiner. 2011. Adoption and Termination of Employee Involvement Programs. LABOUR, 25(1):45-62.

Chi, Wei, Qian, Xiaoye. 2010. The role of education in regional innovation activities: spatial evidence from China. Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy,15(4):396-419

Chi, Wei, Zhang, Haiyan. 2010. Are stronger executive incentives associated with cross-listing? Evidence from China. China Economic Review, 21: 150-160.

Chi, Wei, Wang, YJ. 2009. Ownership, Performance, and Executive Turnover. Journal of Asian Economics, 20: 465-278.

Chi, Wei, Li, Bo. 2008. Glass Ceiling or Sticky Floor? Examining the Gender Earnings Differential across the Earnings Distribution in Urban China, 1987-2004. Journal of Comparative Economics, 36: 243-263.

McCall, B. P., Chi, Wei. 2008. Unemployment Insurance, Unemployment Durations, and Re-employment Wages. Economics Letters, 99(1): 115-118.

Chi, Wei. 2008.The Role of Human Capital in China’s Economic Development: Review and New Evidence. China Economic Review, 19:421-436.


郑杨麟风,迟巍,钱晓烨.  高管内部校友关系与高管主动离职行动. 管理工程学报,网络首发,2024

王曦若,迟巍. 高管团队人力资本异质性与企业创新投入的关系----高管团队地位不平等的调节作用. 技术经济,2018,第8期

钱晓烨,迟巍,史瑶.义务教育阶段城镇家庭教育支出的构成及不平等:来自2007和2011的实证证据. 教育与经济,2015,第2期

钱晓烨,杨百寅,迟巍.心理资本与区域创新活动:来自我国地级市的实证研究. 中国软科学, 2014(2): 179-192

李雪,钱晓烨,迟巍. 职业资格认证能提高就业者的工资收入吗? 对职业资格认证收入效应的实证分析. 管理世界,2012,第9期

迟巍,钱晓烨,吴斌珍. 我国城镇居民家庭教育负担研究. 清华大学教育研究,2012,第33卷第3期

迟巍,蔡许许. 城市居民财产性收入与贫富差距的实证分析. 数量经济技术经济研究,2012,第29卷第2期

叶青,迟巍. 面对共同供应商时的市场进入决策. 管理科学学报,2012,第2期

叶青,迟巍. 面对相同供应商时市场进入决策的博弈分析. 系统工程理论与实践,2012,第32卷第6期

迟巍,钱晓烨,吴斌珍. 家庭教育支出平等性实证研究. 教育与经济,2011,第4期

钱晓烨,迟巍. 国民收入初次分配中劳动收入份额的地区差异. 经济学动态,2011,第5期

钱晓烨,迟巍,黎波. 人力资本对我国区域创新及经济增长的影响的空间计量实证研究. 数量经济技术经济研究,2010,第4期

张海燕,迟巍. 香港上市有助于提高我国的公司治理结构吗? 中国软科学,2008,第10期

迟巍,黎波,余秋梅. 基于收入分布的收入差距扩大成因的分解,数量经济技术经济研究, 2008年第9期

迟巍. 中国城市性别收入差距研究. 统计研究,2008,第8期

迟巍. 人力资本在中国经济发展中的角色的实证研究. 经济学报,2008,第1期第3卷

王一江,迟巍,孙文凯. 影响腐败程度的权力和个人因素. 经济科学,2008,第2期

迟巍,叶欣. 收入差距研究的中外比较. 经济学动态,2007,第9期

黎波,迟巍,余秋梅. 一种新的收入差距研究的计量方法--基于分布函数的半参数化估计. 数量经济技术经济研究,2007,第8期

迟巍. 内生性经济增长的实证研究. 中国软科学,2007,第4期


