Email:[email protected]
Education:2006Ph.D.Cityand Regional Planning,UniversityofCaliforniaatBerkeley
1997 M.E.Buildingand Planning, NationalTaiwanUniversity
1988 M.S. Chemistry,NationalTsingHuaUniversity
1985 B.S. Chemistry,NationalTsingHuaUniversity
1、Chuan-Kai Lee.How does a cluster relocate across the border? The case of information technology cluster in the Taiwan–Suzhou region.Technological Forecasting and Social Change, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 18 September 2008.
2、Chuan-Kai Lee, Annalee Saxenian.Coevolution and coordination: a systemic analysis of the Taiwanese information technology industry.Journal of Economic Geography,2008,8(2):157-180.(来源数据库:Proquest)
3、Wang, Jenn-Hwan,Chuan-Kai Lee.Global production networks and local institution building: the development of the information-technology industry in Suzhou, China.Environment and Planning A, 2007,39(8): 1873-1888.