Title/Affiliation:Thomas F. Keller Professor of Accounting,FuquaSchoolofBusiness,DukeUniversity
Research Interests:Capital markets' use of accounting information,Financial reporting standard setting,International accounting,and Corporate governance
Email: [email protected]
Journal Articles
1、Mary E. Barth, Katherine Schipper.Financial Reporting Transparency. Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance, 2008,23(2): 173-190. (来源数据库:EBSCO BSP)
2、Jennifer Francis, Ryan Lafond, Per Olsson, Katherine Schipper.Information Uncertainty and Post-Earnings-Announcement-Drift. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, 2007,34(3/4): 403-433.
(来源数据库:EBSCO BSP)
3、Katherine Schipper, Teri Lombardi Yohn.Standard-Setting Issues and Academic Research Related to the Accounting for Financial Asset Transfers. Accounting Horizons, 2007,21(1): 59-80. (来源数据库:Proquest)
4、Katherine Schipper.Required Disclosures in Financial Reports. The Accounting Review, 2007,82(2): 301-326.(来源数据库:Proquest)
5、Frank Ecker, Jennifer Francis, Irene Kim, Per M. Olsson, Katherine Schipper.A Returns-Based Representation of Earnings Quality. The Accounting Review, 2006,81(4): 749-780. (来源数据库:Proquest)
6、Robert H Herz, George J. Batavick, G. Michael Crooch, Katherine Schipper, et al.Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 154-Accounting Changes and Error Corrections. Journal of Accountancy, 2005,200(2): 98-101. (来源数据库:Proquest)
7、Jennifer Francis, Katherine Schipper, Linda Vincent.Earnings and dividend informativeness when cash flow rights are seperated from voting rights. Journal of Accounting & Economics, 2005,39(2): 329-360.
(来源数据库:Elsevier ScienceDirect)
8、Jennifer Francis, Ryan Lafond, Per Olsson, Katherine Schipper.The market pricing of accruals quality. Journal of Accounting & Economics, 2005,39(2): 295-327.(来源数据库:Elsevier ScienceDirect Complete)
9、Katherine Schipper.The introduction of International Accounting Standards in Europe: Implications for international convergence. European Accounting Review, 2005,14(1): 101-126.
(来源数据库:Informaworld Journals)
10、Jennifer Francis, Ryan LaFond, Per M. Olsson, Katherine Schipper.Costs of Equity and Earnings Attributes. The Accounting Review, 2004,79(4): 967-1010.(来源数据库:Proquest)
11、Jennifer Francis, Katherine Schipper, Linda Vincent.The relative and incremental explanatory power of earnings and alternative (to earnings) performance measures for returns. Contemporary Accounting Research, 2003,20(1): 121-164.(来源数据库:Proquest)
12、Katherine Schipper.Principles-based accounting standards. Accounting Horizons, 2003,17(1): 61-72.
13、Katherine Schipper, Linda Vincent.Earnings quality. Accounting Horizons, 2003,17: 97-110.
14、Jennifer Francis, Katherine Schipper, Linda Vincent.Earnings announcements and competing information. Journal of Accounting & Economics, 2002,33(3): 313-342. (来源数据库:Elsevier ScienceDirect)
15、Jennifer Francis, Katherine Schipper, Linda Vincent.Expanded disclosures and the increased usefulness of earnings announcements. The Accounting Review, 2002,77(3): 515-546.(来源数据库:Proquest)
16、Katherine Schipper.Accounting research and the potential use of international accounting standards for cross-border securities listings. The British Accounting Review, 2000,32(3): 243-256.
(来源数据库:Elsevier ScienceDirect)
17、Katherine Schipper.The Framework of Financial Accounting Concepts and Standards. The Accounting Review, 2000,75(3): 344-345.(来源数据库:Proquest)
18、Edward L Maydew, Katherine Schipper, Linda Vincent.The impact of taxes on the choice of divestiture method. Journal of Accounting & Economics. Amsterdam:Dec 1999,28(2): 117-150 (来源数据库:Elsevier ScienceDirect)
19、Jennifer Francis, Katherine Schipper.Have financial statements lost their relevance?.Journal of Accounting Research, 1999,37(2): 319-352.(来源数据库:EBSCO BSP)
20、Grace Pownall, Katherine Schipper.Implications of accounting research for the SEC's consideration of international accounting standards for U.S. Securities offerings. Accounting Horizons, 1999,13(3): 259-280.
21、Jennifer Francis, Donna Philbrick, Katherine Schipper.Earnings Surprises And Litigation Risk.Journal of Financial Statement Analysis, 1998, 3(2): 15-27. (来源数据库:Proquest)
22、Schipper, Katherine.Academic accounting research and the standard setting process. Accounting Horizons, 1994,8(4): 61-73. (来源数据库:Proquest)
23、Jennifer Francis, Donna Philbrick, Katherine Schipper.Shareholder litigation and corporate disclosures. Journal of Accounting Research, 1994,32(2): 137-164. (来源数据库:EconLit with Full Text)
24、Katherine Schipper.Analysts' Forecasts. Accounting Horizons, 1991,5(4): 105-121. (来源数据库:Proquest)
25、Katherine Schipper, Abbie Smith.Effects of Management Buyouts on Corporate Interest and Depreciation Tax Deductions. Journal of Law and Economics. 1991,34(2): 295-341.(来源数据库:JSTOR)
26、Katherine Schipper.Information Transfers. Accounting Horizons, 1990,4(4): 97-107. (来源数据库:Proquest)
27、Katherine Schipper.Earnings Management. Accounting Horizons, 1989,3(4): 91-102.
28、Laurentius Marais, Katherine Schipper, Abbie Smith.Wealth Effects of Going Private for Senior Securities. Journal of Financial Economics, 1989,23(1): 155-191.(来源数据库:Elsevier ScienceDirect)无全文
29、Katherine Schipper, Rex Thompson, Roman L. Weil.Disentangling Interrelated Effects of Regulatory Changes on Shareholder Wealth: The Case of Motor Carrier Deregulation. Journal of Law and Economics, 1987,30(1): 67-100.(来源数据库:JSTOR)
30、Katherine Schipper, Abbie Smith.A Comparison of Equity Carve-Outs and Seasoned Equity Offerings: Share Price Effects and Corporate Restructuring.Journal of Financial Economics, 1986,15(1/2): 153-186.
(来源数据库:Elsevier ScienceDirect)无全文
31、Katherine Schipper, Rex Thompson.The Impact of Merger-Related Regulations Using Exact Distributions of Test Statistics. Journal of Accounting Research, 1985,23(1): 408-415.(来源数据库:EBSCO BSP)
32、Katherine Schipper, Abbie Smith,.Effects of Recontracting on Shareholder Wealth: The Case of Voluntary Spin-Offs. Journal of Financial Economics, 1983,12(4): 437-467.(来源数据库:Elsevier ScienceDirect)无全文
33、Katherine Schipper, Rex Thompson.The Impact of Merger-Related Regulations on the Shareholders of Acquiring Firms. Journal of Accounting Research, 1983,21(1): 184-221. (来源数据库:EconLit with Full Text)
34、Katherine Schipper, Rex Thompson.Evidence on the Capitalized Value of Merger Activity for Acquiring Firms. Journal of Financial Economics, 1983,11(1/4): 85-119.(来源数据库:Elsevier ScienceDirect)无全文
35、Katherine Schipper, Roman L. Weil.Alternative Accounting Treatments for Pensions. The Accounting Review, 1982,57(4): 806-824.(来源数据库:EBSCO BSP)
36、Dennis Epple, Katherine Schipper.Municipal Pension Funding: a Theory and Some Evidence. Public Choice (pre-1986), 1981,37(1): 141-178.(来源数据库:Proquest)
37、Katherine Schipper, Rex Thompson.Common Stocks as Hedges Against Shifts in the Consumption or Investment Opportunity Set. The Journal of Business, 1981,54(2): 305-328.(来源数据库:EBSCO BSP)
38、Katherine Schipper, John R. Twombly, Roman L. Weil.Financial Lease Evaluation Under Conditions of Uncertainty: A Comment. The Accounting Review, 1974,49(4): 796-801.(来源数据库:EBSCO BSP)