Title/Affiliation:Associate Professor,Department of Finance,The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Research Interests:investor behavior around the world,International Capital Markets,Cross-border equity flows
Email:[email protected]
Journal Articles
1、Sandro C. Andrade, Charles Chang, Mark S. Seasholes.Trading imbalances, predictable reversals, and cross-stock price pressure. Journal of Financial Economics, 2008,88(2):406-423. (来源数据库:Elsevier)
2、Lei Feng, Mark S. Seasholes.Individual investors and gender similarities in an emerging stock market.Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 2008,16(1/2): 44-60.(来源数据库:Elsevier)
3、Mark S. Seasholes, Guojun Wu.Predictable behavior, profits, and attention.Journal of Empirical Finance, 2007,14(5): 590-610.(来源数据库:Elsevier)
4、Terrence Hendershott, Mark S. Seasholes.Market Maker Inventories and Stock Prices.American Economic Review, 2007,97(2): 210-214.(来源数据库:EconLit with Full Text)
5、Jacob S. Sagi, Mark S. Seasholes.Firm-specific attributes and the cross-section of momentum. Journal of Financial Economics, 2007,84(2):389-434.(来源数据库:Elsevier)
6、Lei Feng, Mark S. Seasholes.Do Investor Sophistication and Trading Experience Eliminate Behavioral Biases in Financial Markets?. Review of Finance,2005,9(3): 305-351. (来源数据库:EconLit with Full Text)
7、Lei Feng, Mark S. Seasholes.Correlated Trading and Location. The Journal of Finance,2004,59(5): 2117-2144.(来源数据库:BSP)
8、Kenneth A. Froot, Paul G. J. O'Connell, Mark S. Seasholes.The portfolio flows of international investors. Journal of Financial Economics, 2001,59(2): 151-193.(来源数据库:Elsevier)