Title/Affiliation:Associate Professor of Accounting,Tepper School of Business,Carnegie Mellon University
Research Interests:Financial accounting, managerial accounting and information economics
Email:[email protected]
Journal Articles
1、Pierre Jinghong Liang, Madhav V. Rajan, Korok Ray.Optimal Team Size and Monitoring in Organizations. The Accounting Review, 2008,83(3): 789-822. (来源数据库:Proquest)
2、Pierre Jinghong Liang, Xiaoyan Wen.Accounting Measurement Basis, Market Mispricing, and Firm Investment Efficiency.Journal of Accounting Research, 2007,45(1): 155-197. (来源数据库:Wiley InterScience)
3、Pierre Jinghong Liang,Xiao-Jun Zhang.Accounting Treatment of Inherent versus Incentive Uncertainties and the Capital Structure of the Firm.Journal of Accounting Research, 2006,44(1): 145-176.
(来源数据库:Wiley InterScience)
4、Jonathan C. Glover, Yuji Ijiri, Carolyn B. Levine, Pierre Jinghong Liang.Separating Facts from Forecasts in Financial Statements. Accounting Horizons, 2005,19(4): 267-282. (来源数据库:Proquest)
5、Steven Huddart, Pierre Jinghong Liang.Profit sharing and monitoring in partnership. Journal of Accounting &
Economics, 2005,40(1/3): 153-187. (来源数据库:Elsevier)
6、Pierre Jinghong Liang.Equilibrium Earnings Management, Incentive Contracts, and Accounting Standards. Contemporary Accounting Research, 2004,21(3): 685-717. (来源数据库:Proquest)
7、Anil Arya, Jonathan Glover, Pierre Jinghong Liang.Intertemporal aggregation and incentives. European Accounting Review, 2004,13(4): 643-657. (来源数据库:EBSCO BSP)
8、Steven J. Huddart,Pierre Jinghong Liang.Accounting in Partnerships.American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings of the Annual Meetings of American Economic Associations,2003,93(2): 410-414.
9、Pierre Jinghong Liang.Recognition: An information content perspective. Accounting Horizons, 2001,15(3): 223-242. (来源数据库:Proquest)
10、Pierre Jinghong Liang.Accounting recognition, moral hazard, and communication. Contemporary Accounting Research, 2000,17(3): 457-490. (来源数据库:Proquest)