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2008年12月18日讲座者Mark Rosenzweig发表学术期刊论文索引


Title/AffiliationFrank Altschul Professor of International EconomicsYale University

Director, Economic Growth CenterYale University

Research Interests:Development Economics,International Migration,Labor Economics

Email:[email protected]


Ph.D.ColumbiaUniversity(with distinction), 1973

M.A.ColumbiaUniversity, 1971

B.A.ColumbiaCollege, 1969

Journal Articles


1、Guillermina Jasso, Douglas S. Massey, Mark R. Rosenzweig, James P. Smith.From Illegal to Legal: Estimating Previous Illegal Experience among New Legal Immigrants to the United States. The International Migration Review, 2008,42(4): 803-843. (来源数据库:Proquest)


2、Kaivan Munshi, Mark Rosenzweig.Traditional Institutions Meet the Modern World: Caste, Gender, and Schooling Choice in a Globalizing Economy. The American Economic Review, 2006,96(4): 1225-1252.

(来源数据库:EBSCO BSP)

3、Jere R. Behrman, Mark R. Rosenzweig.Parental Wealth and Adult Children's Welfare in Marriage. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 2006,88(3): 496-509. (来源数据库:EBSCO BSP)


4、Jere R. Behrman, Mark R. Rosenzweig.Does Increasing Women's Schooling Raise the Schooling of the Next Generation? Reply. The American Economic Review, 2005,95(5): 1745-1751. (来源数据库:EBSCO BSP)

5、Kaivan Munshi, Mark Rosenzweig.Economic development and the decline of rural and urban community-based networks.Economics of Transition, 2005,13(3): 427-443. (来源数据库:EBSCO BSP)


6、Nancy Luke, Kaivan Munshi, Mark Rosenzweig.Marriage, Networks and Jobs in Third World Cities. Journal of the European Economic Association, 2004,2(2/3): 437-446. (来源数据库:EBSCO BSP)

7、Andrew D. Foster, Mark R. Rosenzweig.Technological change and the distribution of schooling: evidence from green-revolution India. Journal of Development Economics, 2004,74(1): 87-111. (来源数据库:Elsevier)

8、Jere R. Behrman, Mark R. Rosenzweig.Returns to Birthweight.The Review of Economics and Statistics, 2004,86(2): 586-601. (来源数据库:EBSCO BSP)

9、Jere R. Behrman, Mark R. Rosenzweig.Parental Allocations to Children: New Evidence on Bequest Differences among Siblings.The Review of Economics and Statistics, 2004,86(2): 637-640. (来源数据库:EBSCO BSP)

10、Andrew D. Foster, Mark R. Rosenzweig.Agricultural Productivity Growth, Rural Economic Diversity, and Economic Reforms: India, 1970-2000. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 2004,52(3): 509-542.

(来源数据库:EBSCO BSP)


11、Mark R. Rosenzweig.Payoffs from panels in low-income countries: Economic development and economic mobility. The American Economic Review, 2003,93(2): 112-117. (来源数据库:EBSCO BSP)

12、Andrew D. Foster, Mark R. Rosenzweig.Economic growth and the rise of forests. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2003,118(2): 601-637. (来源数据库:EBSCO BSP)


13、Andrew D. Foster, Mark R. Rosenzweig.Household division and rural economic growth. The Review of Economic Studies, 2002,69(241): 839-869. (来源数据库:Proquest)

14、Jere R. Behrman, Mark R. Rosenzweig.Does increasing women's schooling raise the schooling of the next generation?. The American Economic Review, 2002,92(1): 323-334. (来源数据库:Proquest)


15、Andrew D. Foster, Mark R. Rosenzweig.Imperfect commitment, altruism, and the family: Evidence from transfer behavior in low-income rural areas. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 2001,83(3): 389-407.

(来源数据库:EBSCO BSP)

16、Mark R. Rosenzweig.Savings behaviour in low-income countries.OxfordReview of Economic Policy, 2001,17(1): 40-54. (来源数据库:Proquest)


17、Mark R. Rosenzweig, Kenneth I. Wolpin.Natural "natural experiments" in economics. Journal of Economic Literature, 2000,38(4): 827-874. (来源数据库:EBSCO BSP)

18、Guillermina Jasso, Douglas S. Massey, Mark R. Rosenzweig, James P. Smith.Assortative mating among married new legal immigrants to the United States: Evidence from the New Immigrant Survey pilot. The International Migration Review, 2000,34(2): 443-459. (来源数据库:Proquest)

19、Guillermina Jasso, Douglas S. Massey, Mark R. Rosenzweig, James P. Smith.The new immigrant survey pilot (NIS-P): Overview and new findings about U.S. legal immigrants at admission. Demography, 2000,37(1): 127-138.



20、Mark R. Rosenzweig.Welfare, marital prospects, and nonmarital childbearing. The Journal of Political Economy, 1999,107(6): S3-S32. (来源数据库:JSTOR)

21、Jere R. Berhrman, Andrew D. Foster, Mark R. Rosenzweig, Prem Vashishtha.Women's schooling, home teaching, and economic growth. The Journal of Political Economy, 1999,107(4): 682-714.

(来源数据库:EBSCO BSP)


22、Jere R. Behrman, Andrew Foster, Mark R. Rosenzweig.Dynamic savings decisions in agricultural environments with incomplete markets. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 1997,15(2): 282-292. (来源数据库:Proquest)

23、Jere R. Behrman, Andrew D. Foster, Mark R. Rosenzweig.The dynamics of agricultural production and the calorie-income relationship: Evidence from Pakistan. Journal of Econometrics, 1997,77(1): 187-207.


24、Lung-fei Lee, Mark R. Rosenzweig, Mark M. Pitt.The effects of improved nutrition, sanitation, and water quality on child health in high-mortality populations. Journal of Econometrics, 1997,77(1): 209-235.



25、Jere R. Behrman, Mark R. Rosenzweig, Paul Taubman.College choice and wages: Estimates using data on female twins. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 1996,78(4): 672-685. (来源数据库:JSTOR)

26、Andrew D. Foster, Mark R. Rosenzweig.Technical change and human-capital returns and investments: Evidence from the green revolution. The American Economic Review, 1996,86(4): 931-953. (来源数据库:Proquest)

27、Andrew D. Foster, Mark R. Rosenzweig.Comparative advantage, information and the allocation of workers to tasks: Evidence from an agricultural labour market. The Review of Economic Studies, 1996,63(216): 347-374.

(来源数据库:EBSCO BSP)

28、Mark R. Rosenzweig.When investing in education matters and when it does not. Challenge, 1996,39(2): 22-29.



29、Andrew D. Foster, Mark R. Rosenzweig.Learning by doing and learning from others: Human capital and technical change in agriculture.The Journal of Political Economy, 1995,103(6): 1176-1209. (来源数据库:Proquest)

30、Mark R. Rosenzweig.Why are there returns to schooling?.The American Economic Review, 1995,85(2): 153-158. (来源数据库:EBSCO BSP)

31、Guillermina Jasso, Mark R. Rosenzweig.Do immigrants screened for skills do better than family reunification immigrants?.The International Migration Review, 1995,29(1): 85-111. (来源数据库:JSTOR)

32、Mark R. Rosenzweig, Kenneth I. Wolpin.Sisters, siblings, and mothers: The effect of teen-age childbearing on birth outcomes in a dynamic family context. Econometrica, 1995,63(2): 303-326. (来源数据库:JSTOR)


33、Mark R. Rosenzweig, Kenneth I. Wolpin.Parental and public transfers to young women and their children. The American Economic Review, 1994,84(5): 1195-1212. (来源数据库:EBSCO BSP)

34、Jere R. Behrman, Mark R. Rosenzweig, Paul Taubman.Endowments and the Allocation of Schooling in the Family and in the Marriage Market: The Twins Experiment. The Journal of Political Economy, 1994,102(6): 1131-1174. (来源数据库:JSTOR)

35、Mark R. Rosenzweig, Kenneth I. Wolpin.Inequality Among Young Adult Siblings, Public Assistance Programs, and Intergenerational Living Arrangements. The Journal of Human Resources, 1994,29(4): 1101-1125.

(来源数据库:EBSCO BSP)

36、Jere R. Behrman, Mark R. Rosenzweig.Caveat emptor: Cross-country data on education and the labor force. Journal of Development Economics, 1994,44(1): 147-171. (来源数据库:Elsevier) 无全文

37、Andrew D. Foster, Mark R. Rosenzweig.A test for moral hazard in the labor market: Contractual arrangements, efforts, and health. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 1994,76(2): 213-227. (来源数据库:JSTOR)

38、Mark R. Rosenzweig, Kenneth I. Wolpin.Are there increasing returns to the intergenerational production of human capital? Maternal schooling and child intellectual achievement. The Journal of Human Resources, 1994,29(2): 670-693.


39、Mark R. Rosenzweig.Comment on "Frontier Issues in International Migration," by Stark. The World Bank Research Observer, 1994, 393-399. (来源数据库:Proquest)


40、Andrew D. Foster, Mark R. Rosenzweig.Information, learning, and wage rates in low-income rural areas. The Journal of Human Resources, 1993,28(4): 759-790. (来源数据库:Proquest)

41、Mark R. Rosenzweig.Women, insurance capital, and economic development in rural India. The Journal of Human Resources, 1993,28(4): 735-758. (来源数据库:JSTOR)

42、Hans P. Binswanger, Shahidur R. Khandker, Mark R. Rosenzweig.How infrastructure and financial institutions affect agricultural output and investment in India. Journal of Development Economics, 1993,41(2): 337-366.


43、Mark R. Rosenzweig, Kenneth I. Wolpin.Credit market constraints, consumption smoothing, and the accumulation of durable production assets in low-income countries: Investments in bullocks in India. The Journal of Political Economy, 1993,101(2): 223-244. (来源数据库:JSTOR)

44、Mark R. Rosenzweig, Kenneth I. Wolpin.Maternal expectations and ex post rationalizations: The usefulness of survey information on the wantedness of children. The Journal of Human Resources, 1993,28(2): 205-229.


45、Mark R. Rosenzweig, Kenneth I. Wolpin.Intergenerational support and the life-cycle incomes of young men and their parents: Human capital investments, coresidence, and intergenerational financial transfers. Journal of Labor Economics, 1993,11(1): 84-112. (来源数据库:JSTOR)

46、Mark R. Rosenzweig, Hans P. Binswanger.Wealth, weather risk and the composition and profitability of agricultural investments. The Economic Journal, 1993,103(416): 56-78. (来源数据库:JSTOR)


47、Andrew D. Foster, Mark R. Rosenzweig, Nancy Birdsall.Information flows and discrimination in labor markets in rural areas in developing countries; Comment; Floor discussion. The World Bank Research Observer, 1992, p173-212. (来源数据库:Proquest)


48、Mark R. Rosenzweig, Kenneth I. Wolpin.Inequality at Birth: The Scope for Policy Intervention. Journal of Econometrics, 1991,50(1/2): 205-228. (来源数据库:Elsevier) 无全文

49、Mark R. Rosenzweig, T. Paul Schultz.Who Receives Medical Care? Income, Implicit Prices, and the Distribution of Medical Services Among Pregnant Women in the United States. The Journal of Human Resources, 1991,26(3): 473-508. (来源数据库:Proquest)


50、Mark M. Pitt, Mark R. Rosenzweig, Md.Nazmul Hassan.Productivity, Health, and Inequality in the Intrahousehold Distribution of Food in Low-Income Countries. The American Economic Review, 1990,80(5): 1139-1156. (来源数据库:Proquest)

51、Mark M. Pitt, Mark R. Rosenzweig.Estimating the Intrahousehold Incidence of Illness: Child Health and Gender-Inequality in the Allocation of Time. International Economic Review, 1990,31(4): 969-989.


52、Mark R. Rosenzweig.Population Growth and Human Capital Investments: Theory and Evidence. The Journal of Political Economy, 1990,98(5): S38-S70. (来源数据库:JSTOR)

53、Guillermina Jasso, Mark R. Rosenzweig , George J. Borjas.Self-Selection And The Earnings Of Immigrants. The American Economic Review, 1990,80(1): 298-304. (来源数据库:EBSCO BSP)


54、Mark R. Rosenzweig, Oded Stark.Consumption Smoothing, Migration, and Marriage: Evidence from Rural India. The Journal of Political Economy, 1989,97(4): 905-926. (来源数据库:JSTOR)

55、Mark R. Rosenzweig, T. Paul Schultz.Schooling, Information and Nonmarket Productivity: Contraceptive Use and Its Effectiveness. International Economic Review, 1989,30(2): 457-477. (来源数据库:JSTOR)

56、Guillermina Jasso, Mark R. Rosenzweig.Sponsors, Sponsorship Rates and the Immigration Multiplier. The International Migration Review, 1989,23(4): 856-888. (来源数据库:JSTOR)


57、Mark R. Rosenzweig, Kenneth I. Wolpin.Migration Selectivity and the Effects of Public Programs. Journal of Public Economics, 1988,37(3): 265-289. (来源数据库:Elsevier) 无全文

58、Mark R. Rosenzweig.Risk, Implicit Contracts and the Family in Rural Areas of Low-Income Countries. The Economic Journal, 1988,98(393): 1148-1170. (来源数据库:JSTOR)

59、Mark R. Rosenzweig, T. Paul Schultz.The Stability of Household Production Technology: A Replication.The Journal of Human Resources, 1988,23(4): 535-549. (来源数据库:JSTOR)

60、Mark R. Rosenzweig.Human Capital, Population Growth, and Economic Development: Beyond Correlations. Journal of Policy Modeling, 1988,10(1): 83-111. (来源数据库:Elsevier) 无全文

61Mark R. Rosenzweig.Risk, Private Information, and the Family.AmericanEconomicReview,1988,78(2): 245-250. (来源数据库:EBSCO BSP)


62、Mark R. Rosenzweig, T. Paul Schultz.Fertility and Investments in Human Capital: Estimates of the Consequence of Imperfect Fertility Control in Malaysia. Journal of Econometrics, 1987,36(1/2): 163-184. (来源数据库:Elsevier) 无全文

63、Guillermina Jasso, Mark R. Rosenzweig.Using National Recording Systems for the Measurement and Analysis of Immigration to the United States.International Migration Review, 1987,21(4): 1212-1244.



64、Mark R. Rosenzweig, Kenneth I. Wolpin.Evaluating the Effects of Optimally Distributed Public Programs: Child Health and Family Planning Interventions. The American Economic Review, 1986,76(3): 470-482.

(来源数据库:EBSCO BSP)

65、Mark R. Rosenzweig.Birth Spacing and Sibling Inequality: Asymmetric Information Within the Family. International Economic Review, 1986,27(1): 55-76. (来源数据库:JSTOR)


66、Mark R. Rosenzweig, T. Paul Schultz.The Demand for and Supply of Births: Fertility and Its Life Cycle Consequences. The American Economic Review, 1985,75(5): 992-1015. (来源数据库:EBSCO BSP)

67、Mark M. Pitt, Mark R. Rosenzweig.Health and Nutrient Consumption Across and Within Farm Households. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 1985,67(2): 212-223. (来源数据库:JSTOR)

68、Mark R. Rosenzweig, Kenneth I. Wolpin.Specific Experience, Household Structure, and Intergenerational Transfers: Farm Family Land and Labor Arrangements in Developing Countries. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1985,100(Supplement): 961-987. (来源数据库:JSTOR)


69、Bryan L. Boulier, Mark R. Rosenzweig.Schooling, Search, and Spouse Selection: Testing Economic Theories of Marriage and Household Behavior. The Journal of Political Economy, 1984,92(4): 712-732.


70、Nancy R. Folbre, Mark R. Rosenzweig, T. Paul Schultz.Market Opportunities, Genetic Endowments, and Intrafamily Resource Distribution: Reply. The American Economic Review, 1984,74(3): 521-522.



71、Mark R. Rosenzweig, T. Paul Schultz.Estimating a Household Production Function: Heterogeneity, the Demand for Health Inputs, and Their Effects on Birth Weight. The Journal of Political Economy, 1983,91(5): 723-746.


72、Mark R. Rosenzweig, T. Paul Schultz.Consumer Demand and Household Production: The Relationship Between Fertility and Child Mortality. The American Economic Review, 1983,73(2): 38-42.



73、Mark R. Rosenzweig, T. Paul Schultz.Market Opportunities, Genetic Endowments, and Intrafamily Resource Distribution: Child Survival in Rural India. The American Economic Review, 1982,72(4): 803-815.


74、Mark R. Rosenzweig, Kenneth I. Wolpin.Governmental Interventions and Household Behavior in a Developing Country: Anticipating the Unanticipated Consequences of Social Programs. Journal of Development Economics, 1982,10(2): 209-225. (来源数据库:Elsevier)无全文

75、Mark R. Rosenzweig, Daniel A. Seiver.Education and Contraceptive Choice: A Conditional Demand Framework. International Economic Review, 1982,23(1): 171-198. (来源数据库:JSTOR)


76、Lucy A. Cardwell, Mark R. Rosenzweig.Economic Mobility, Monopsonistic Discrimination and Sex Differences in Wages. Southern Economic Journal, 1980,46(4): 1102-1117. (来源数据库:JSTOR)

77、Mark R. Rosenzweig, Kenneth I. Wolpin.Life-Cycle Labor Supply and Fertility: Causal Inferences from Household Models.The Journal of Political Economy, 1980,88(2): 328-348. (来源数据库:JSTOR)

78、Mark R. Rosenzweig, Kenneth I. Wolpin.Testing the Quantity-Quality Fertility Model: The Use of Twins as a Natural Experiment.Econometrica, 1980,48(1): 227-240. (来源数据库:JSTOR)


79、Mark R. Rosenzweig.Rural Wages, Labor Supply, and Land Reform: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis. The American Economic Review, 1978,68(5): 847-861. (来源数据库:JSTOR)


80、Mark R. Rosenzweig; Robert Evenson.Fertility, Schooling, and the Economic Contribution of Children of Rural India: An Econometric Analysis.Econometrica, 1977,45(5): 1065-1079. (来源数据库:JSTOR)

81、Mark R. Rosenzweig.Farm-Family Schooling Decisions: Determinants of the Quantity and Quality of Education in Agricultural Populations.Journal of Human Resources, 1977,12(1):71-91. (来源数据库:JSTOR)

82、Mark R. Rosenzweig.The Demand for Children in Farm Households. The Journal of Political Economy, 1977,85(1): 123-146. (来源数据库:JSTOR)


83、Mark R. Rosenzweig.Nonlinear Earnings Functions, Age, and Experience: A Nondogmatic Reply and Some Additional Evidence.The Journal of Human Resources, 1976,11(1): 23-27. (来源数据库:JSTOR)

84、James L. McCabe, Mark R. Rosenzweig.Female labor-force participation, occupational choice, and fertility in developing countries. Journal of Development Economics, 1976,3(2): 141-160. (来源数据库:Elsevier) 无全文


85、Mark R. Rosenzweig.Economic Aspects of the Fertility of Rural-Farm Women: Comment. Southern Economic Journal, 1974,40(4): 675-679. (来源数据库:JSTOR)
