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2009年5月5日讲座者Craig Prichard发表学术期刊论文索引


Title/AffiliationSenior Lecturer,Department of Management,College of Business at Massey University in New Zealand

Affiliation:Organizational Political Economy,Organizational Change,Organizational discourse,Music in and around organization and in work environments,Social movements and organizational change

Email:[email protected]

Journal Articles


1、Craig Prichard.Three Moves for Engaging Students in Critical Management Studies. Management Learning, 2009,40(1): 51-68. (Database:Sage Premier 2008)


2、Craig Prichard, Marek Korczynski, Michael Elmes.Music at Work: An Introduction. Group & Organization Management, 2007,32(1): 4-21. (Database: ABI/INFORM Global)


3、Craig Prichard.The Organization of Organizational Discourse. Management Communication Quarterly: McQ, 2006,20(2): 213-226. (Database: ABI/INFORM Global)

4、Craig Prichard.Global Politics, Academic Dispositions, and the Tilting of Organizational Communication: a Provocation to a Debate. Management Communication Quarterly: McQ, 2006,19(4): 638-644.

(Database: ABI/INFORM Global)


5、Craig Prichard.Challenging Academic Imperialism: Some Tactics for Constructing an Organizational Communication of the Elsewhere. Management Communication Quarterly: McQ, 2005,19(2): 270-278.

(Database: ABI/INFORM Global)

6、Prichard, Craig.Blood on the tracks: Critically re‐reading a government occupational health and safety inquiry. Culture & Organization, 2005,11(2): 97-110. (Database: EBSCO BSP)


7、Craig Prichard.Tacit Knowledge in Organizations / Knowledge in Organizations: Access to Thinking at Work. Management Learning, 2002,33(1): 127-130. (Database: ABI/INFORM Global)


8、Craig Prichard, Rosemary Deem.Wo-managing further education; gender and the construction of the manager in the corporate colleges of England. Gender and Education, 1999,11(3): 323-342. (Database: Proquest ARL)


9、Craig Prichard, Hugh Willmott.Just how managed is the McUniversity?.Organization Studies, 1997,18(2): 287-316. (Database: EBSCO BSP)


10、Craig Prichard.A commentary and response on 'Blackler: Knowledge, Knowledge Work and Organizations: An Overview and Interpretation. Organization Studies, 1996,17(5): 857-860. (Database: EBSCO BSP)
