Title/Affiliation:Professor of Information Systems and the Thomas L. Williams Jr. Eminent Scholar in Information Systems,Information and Management Sciences Department,College of Business,FloridaStateUniversity
Email:[email protected]
Research Interests:
1、Organizational and behavior implications of group support systems,especially with regard to deceptive communication and subterfuge
2、Computer-based monitoring,including employer monitoring of Internet use and e-mail
3、Information systems development and implementation
Journal Articles
1、Joey F.George,KentMarett, Gabriel Giordano.Deception: Toward an Individualistic View of Group Support Systems. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 2008,9(10/11): 653-676.
(Database: ABI/INFORM Global)
2、Joey F. George, Alastair Robb.Deception and Computer-Mediated Communication in Daily Life. Communication Reports, 2008,21(2): 92-103. (Database: Proquest ARL) Abstract Only
3、Joey F.George,KentMarett, Patti A. Tilley.The Effects of Warnings, Computer-Based Media, and Probing Activity on Successful Lie Detection.IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 2008,51(1): 1-17. (Database: IEEE Xplore)
4、Randall J. Boyle, Charles J. Kacmar, Joey F. George.Distributed Deception: An Investigation of the Effectiveness of Deceptive Communication in a Computer-Mediated Environment. International Journal of E-Collaboration, 2008,4(3): 14-39. (Database: ABI/INFORM Global)
5、Carmen C. Lewis, Joey F. George.Cross-cultural deception in social networking sites and face-to-face communication. Computers in Human Behavior, 2008,24(6): 2945-2964. (Database: Elsevier ScienceDirect Complete)
6、Michael H. Dickey, D. Harrison McKnight, Joey F. George.The role of trust in franchise organizations. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 2007,15(3): 251-282. (Database: ABI/INFORM Global)
Abstract Only
7、Manju K. Ahuja, Katherine M. Chudoba, Charles J. Kacmar, D. Harrison McKnight,JoeyF.George.IT Road Warriors: Balancing Work--Family Conflict, Job Autonomy, and Work Overload to Mitigate Turnover Intention. MIS Quarterly, 2007,31(1): 1-17. (Database: EBSCO BSP)
8、Gabriel A. Giordano, Jason S. Stoner, Robyn L. Brouer, Joey F. George.The Influences of Deception and Computer-Mediation on Dyadic Negotiations.Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. 2007,12(2):362-383. (Database:Wiley InterScience)
9、Joey F. George, Joseph S. Valacich, Josep Valor.Does Information Systems Still Matter? Lessons for a Maturing Discipline. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 2005(16): 219-232. (Database: EBSCO BSP)
10、Joey F. George.The theory of planned behavior and Internet purchasing. Internet Research, 2004,14(3): 198-212. (Database: ABI/INFORM Global)
11、John R. Carlson, Joey F. George.Media Appropriateness in the Conduct and Discovery of Deceptive Communication: The Relative Influence of Richness and Synchronicity. Group Decision and Negotiation, 2004,13(2): 191-210. (Database: ABI/INFORM Global)
12、L. Kent Marett, Joey F. George.Deception in the Case of One Sender and Multiple Receivers. Group Decision and Negotiation, 2004,13(1): 29-44. (Database: ABI/INFORM Global)
13、John R. Carlson, Joey F. George, Judee K. Burgoon, Mark Adkins, Cindy H. White.Deception in Computer-Mediated Communication. Group Decision and Negotiation, 2004,13(1): 5-28. (Database: ABI/INFORM Global)
14、Jason Bennett Thatcher, Joey F. George.Commitment, Trust, and Social Involvement: An Exploratory Study of Antecedents to Web Shopper Loyalty. Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 2004,14(4): 243-268. (Database: EBSCO BSP)
15、Joey F. George,Cynthia Beath, Robert Davison, Jon Heales, Malcolm Munro.Report of the AD HOC Committee on Member Misconduct to the AIS Council. Communications of AIS, 2003(11): 54-78.
(Database: EBSCO BSP)
16、Craig K. Tyran, . Joey F. George.Improving software inspections with group process support. Communications of the ACM, 2002,45(9): 87-92. (Database: EBSCO BSP)
17、David P. Biros,JoeyF.George, Robert W. Zmud.Inducing Sensitivity to Deception in Order to Improve Decision Making Performance: A Field Study. MIS Quarterly, 2002,26(2): 119-144. (Database: EBSCO BSP)
18、Joey F. George.Influences on the intent to make Internet purchases. Internet Research, 2002,12(2): 165-180. (Database: ABI/INFORM Global)
19、Radhika Santhanam, Tor Guimaraes, Joey F. George.An empirical investigation of ODSS impact on individuals and organizations. Decision Support Systems, 2000,30(1): 51-72. (Database: Elsevier ScienceDirect Complete)
20、Joey F. George, Kevin Duffy, Manju Ahuja.Countering the anchoring and adjustment bias with decision support systems. Decision Support Systems, 2000,29(2): 195-206. (Database: Elsevier ScienceDirect Complete)
21、Leonard M. Jessup, Joey F. George.Theoretical and methodological issues in group support systems research: Learning from groups gone awry. Small Group Research, 1997,28(3): 394-413. (Database:Sage Premier 2008)
22、Joey F. George, Leonard M. Jessup.Groups over time: what are we really studying?.International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 1997,47(3): 497-511. (Database: Elsevier ScienceDirect Complete)
23、JoeyF.George.Computer-Based Monitoring: Common Perceptions and Empirical Results. MIS Quarterly, 1996,20(4): 459-480. (Database: EBSCO BSP)
24、Dien D. Phan, Joey F. George, Douglas R. Vogel.Managing software quality in a very large development project. Information & Management, 1995,29(5): 277-283. (Database: Elsevier ScienceDirect Complete)
25、Joey F. George, Suzanne Iacono, Rob Kling.Learning in context: Extensively computerized work groups as communities-of-practice. Accounting, Management and Information Technologies, 1995,5(3/4): 185-202.
(Database: Elsevier ScienceDirect Complete)
26、Joline Morrison, Joey F. George.Exploring the software engineering component in MIS research. Communications of the ACM, 1995,38(7): 80-91. (Database: ACM Digital Library –China)
27、Joseph S. Valacich, Joey F. George, J. F. Nunamaker Jr., Douglas R. Vogel.Physical Proximity Effects on Computer-Mediated Idea Generation. Small Group Research, 1994,25(1): 83-104. (Database:Sage Premier 2008)
28、Erran Carmel, Randall D. Whitaker, Joey F. George.PD and joint application design: A transatlantic comparison. Communications of the ACM, 1993,36(6): 40-48. (Database: ACM Digital Library –China)
29、Joseph S. Valacich, David Paranka, Joey F. George, J. F. Nunamaker Jr..Communication concurrency and the new media. Communication Research, 1993,20(2): 249-276. (Database:Sage Premier 2008)
30、Joey F. George,Craig K. Tyran.Expert Systems and Organizations: Predictions and Evidence. Accounting, Management and Information Technologies, 1993,3(3): 173-189. (Database: Elsevier ScienceDirect Complete) Abstract Only
31、Joey F. George, J. F. Nunamaker Jr., Joseph S. Valacich.Information Technology for Organizational Change. Decision Support Systems, 1992,8(4): 307-315. (Database: Elsevier ScienceDirect Complete) Abstract Only
32、Chandra S. Amaravadi, Olivia R. Liu Sheng, Joey F. George, Jay F. Nunamaker Jr.AEI: A knowledge-based approach to integrated office systems. Journal of Management Information Systems, 1992,9(1): 133-163.
(Database: EBSCO BSP)
33、Joey F. George, Jay F. Nunamaker Jr., Joseph S. Valacich.Electronic Meeting Systems as Innovation: A Study of the Innovation Process. Information & Management, 1992,22(3): 187-195.
(Database: Elsevier ScienceDirect Complete) Abstract Only
34、Joey F. George, Suzanne Iacono, Rob Kling.How Do Office Workers Learn About Computing?Information Technology and People, 1992,6(4): 249-269. (Database: Emerald)
35、Joey F. George.An Examination of Four GDSS Experiments. Journal of Information Science, 1992,18(2): 149-158. (Database:Sage Premier 2008)
36、Joey F. George, Alan R. Dennis, J. F. NunamakerJr..An experimental investigation of facilitation in an EMS decision room.Group Decision and Negotiation,1992,1(1):57-70. (Database: Springer Standard Collection)
37、J. F. Nunamaker, Alan R. Dennis, Joseph S. Valacich, Douglas R. Vogel, Joey F. George.Electronic Meeting Systems to Support Group Work. Communications of the ACM, 1991,34(7): 40-61.
(Database: ACM Digital Library –China)
38、Joey F. George, John L. King.Examining the Computing and Centralization Debate. Communications of the ACM, 1991,34(7): 62-72. (Database: ACM Digital Library –China)
39、Joey F. George.The Conceptualization and Development of Organizational Decision Support Systems. Journal of Management Information Systems, 1991,8(3): 109-125. (Database: EBSCO BSP)
40、Joey F. George,George K. Easton, J.F. Nunamaker Jr., Gregory B. Northcraft.A Study of Collaborative Group work with and Without Computer-Based Support. Information Systems Research, 1990,1(4): 394-415.
(Database: EBSCO BSP)
41、George K.Easton,Joey F. George,Jay F. Nunamaker, Jr., Mark O. Pendergast.Using Two Different Electronic Meeting System Tools for the Same Task: An Experimental Comparison. Journal of Management Information Systems, 1990,7(1): 85-100. (Database: EBSCO BSP)
42、Alan R. Dennis,JoeyF.George, Len M. Jessup, JayF. Nunamaker Jr., Douglas R. Vogel.Information Technology to Support Electronic Meetings.MIS Quarterly, 1988,12(4): 591-624. (Database: EBSCO BSP)