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Title/AffiliationAssociate Professor in Mangement,Guanghua School of Management,Peking University

Email[email protected]

Research Interests:1) organizational behaviours,especially on transformational leadership,leadership-member exchange,CEO leadership behaviors and their linkages to organizational culture,innovation,and firm performance in the Chinese context;2)human resource management,especially on the antecedents and consequences of task performance and contextual performance;3)other organizational behaviour and human resource management issues such as organizational culture,achievement motivation,small group behaviours and perceived organizational support (POS)

Journal Articles


1、Hui Wang, Kenneth S. Law, Zhen Xiong Chen.Leader-member Exchange, Employee Performance, and Work Outcomes: An Empirical Study in the Chinese Context. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 2008,19(10): 1809-1824. (Database: Informaworld Journals)


2、Anne S. Tsui, Zhi-Xue Zhang, Hui Wang, Katherine R. Xin, Joshua B. Wu.Unpacking the Relationship between CEO Leadership Behavior and Organizational Culture.The Leadership Quarterly,2006,17(2): 113-117.

(Database: Elsevier ScienceDirect Complete)

3、Elliot Bendoly, Daniel G. Bachrach, Hui Wang, Shouyang Zhang.ERP in the minds of supervisors: Joint roles of task interdependence and cultural norms.International Journal of Operations and Production Management,2006,26(5): 558-578. (Database: ABI/INFORM Global)


4、Hui Wang, Kenneth S. Law, Rick D. Hackett, Duanxu Wang, Zhen Xiong Chen.Leader-Member Exchange as a Mediator of the Relationship Between Transformational Leadership and Followers’ Performance and Organizational Citizenship Behavior. AcademyofManagementJournal,2005,48(3): 420-432. (Database: EBSCO BSP)
