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2009年5月21日讲座者Samuel Myers发表学术期刊论文索引


Title/AffiliationRoy Wilkins Professor of Human Relations and Social Justice,Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs,University of Minnesota

Email[email protected]

Research Interests:microeconomic policy analysis,racial inequality and public policy,analysis of discrimination,racial disparities in test scores,anti-racism programs,government procurement and contracting,credit and housing markets,child protective services,violence analysis,science and engineering workforce,academic labor markets,race-neutral remedies

Journal Articles


1、Samuel L. Myers Jr., Inhyuck Ha.Estimation of race-neutral goals in public procurement and contracting. Applied Economics Letters, 2009,16(3): 251-256. (Database: EBSCO BSP) Abstract Only


2、Patrick L. Mason, Samuel L. Myers Jr., William A. Darity Jr..Is There Racism in Economic Research?.European Journal of Political Economy, 2005,21(3): 755–761. (Database: Elsevier ScienceDirect Complete)


3、Samuel L. Myers Jr., Caroline S. Turner.The Effects of Ph.D. Supply on Minority Faculty Representation. The American Economic Review, 2004,94(2): 296-301. (Database: ABI/INFORM Global)

4、Samuel L. Myers Jr., Hyeoneui Kim, Cheryl Mandala.The Effect of School Poverty on Racial Gaps in Test Scores: The Case of the Minnesota Basic Standards Tests. The Journal of Negro Education, 2004,73(1): 81-98. (Database: Proquest ARL)


5、Sheila D. Ards, Samuel L. Myers Jr., Chanjin Chung, Allan Malkis, Brian Hagerty.Decomposing Black-White differences in child maltreatment. Child Maltreatment, 2003,8(2): 112-121. (Database:Sage Premier 2008)

6、Samuel L. Myers Jr., Lajune Thomas Lange, Bruce Corrie.The Political Economy of Antiracism Initiatives in the Post-Durban Round. The American Economic Review, 2003,93(2): 329-333. (Database: EBSCO BSP)

7、Samuel L. Myers Jr..The Samuel Z. Westerfield Award. Review of Black Political Economy, 2003,30(4): 9-12. (Database: EBSCO BSP)


8、Samuel L. Myers Jr..Analysis of racial profiling as policy analysis. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 2002,21(2): 287-300. (Database: EBSCO BSC)

9、Samuel L. Myers Jr..Presidential address--Analysis of race as policy analysis. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 2002,21(2): 169-190. (Database: ABI/INFORM Global)


10、Sheila D. Ards, Samuel L. Myers Jr..The color of money: Bad credit, wealth, and race. The American Behavioral Scientist, 2001,45(2): 223-239. (Database: ABI/INFORM Global)

11、William A. Darity Jr, Samuel L. Myers Jr..Why Did Black Relative Earnings Surge in the Early 1990s?.Journal of Economic Issues, 2001,35(2): 533-542. (Database: EBSCO BSP)

12、Chanjin Chung, Samuel L. Myers Jr., Lisa Saunders.Racial Differences in Transportation Access to Employment in Chicago and Los Angeles, 1980 and 1990. The American Economic Review, 2001,91(2): 174-177.

(Database: EBSCO BSP)


13、Catherine A. Fitch, Samuel L. Myers Jr..Testing the Survivalist Entrepreneurship Model. Social Science Quarterly, 2000,81(4): 985-991. (Database: EBSCO BSP)

14、Samuel L. Myers Jr..If Not Reconciliation, Then What?.Review of Social Economy, 2000,58(3): 361-380. (Database: EBSCO BSP)

15、Samuel L. Myers Jr..The Political Economy of Hope and Fear: Capitalism and the Black Condition in America. Southern Economic Journal, 2000,66(4): 1017-1019. (Database: ABI/INFORM Global)


16、Chanjin Chung, Samuel L. Myers Jr..Do the poor pay more for food? An analysis of grocery store availability and food price disparities. The Journal of Consumer Affairs, 1999,33(2): 276-296. (Database: ABI/INFORM Global)

17、Caroline Sotello Viernes Turner, Samuel L. Myers Jr., John W. Creswell.Exploring underrepresentation: The case of faculty of color in the Midwest. The Journal of Higher Education, 1999,70(1): 27-59.

(Database: Proquest ARL)


18、Sheila D. Ards, William A. Darity Jr, Samuel L. Myers Jr.."If it shall seem just and proper": The effect of race and morals on alimony and child support appeals in the District of Columbia, 1950-1980. Journal of Family History, 1998,23(4): 441-475. (Database:Sage Premier 2008)

19、Samuel L. Myers Jr., Chanjin Chung.Criminal perceptions and violent criminal victimization. Contemporary Economic Policy, 1998,16(3): 321-333. (Database: ABI/INFORM Global)

20、William A. Darity Jr,, Samuel L. Myers Jr., Chanjin Chung.Racial earnings disparities and family structure. Southern Economic Journal, 1998,65(1): 20-41. (Database: ABI/INFORM Global)

21、Samuel L. Myers Jr..Hoberman's Fantasy: How Neoconservative Writing on Sport Reinforces Perceptions of Black Inferiority and Preserves the Myth of Race. SocialScience Quarterly, 1998,79(4):,879-884.

(Database: EBSCO ASP)

22、Karen J. Gibson, William A. Darity, Jr., Samuel L. Myers Jr..Revisiting Occupational Crowding in the United States: A Preliminary Study. Feminist Economics, 1998,4(3): 73–95. (Database: EBSCO ASP)

23、Sheila D. Ards, Chanjin Chung, Samuel L. Myers Jr..The effects of sample selection bias on racial differences in child abuse reporting. Child Abuse & Neglect, 1998,22(2): 103–115. (Database: Elsevier ScienceDirect Complete)


24、Samuel L. Myers Jr..Why diversity is a smoke screen for affirmative action. Change, 1997,29(4): 24-32. (Database: Proquest ARL)
