Title/Affiliation:Professor of Organizational Behaviour,Magna Professor in Management,Rotman School of Management,University of Toronto
Research Interests:Job stress,Job design,and Cross-Cultural management
Email:[email protected]
Journal Articles
1、Maria Rotundo, JiaLin Xie.Understanding the domain of counterproductive work behaviors in China. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 2008,19(5): 856-877. (Database: EBSCO BSP)
2、Jia Lin Xie, John Schaubroeck, Simon S. K. Lam.Theories of job stress and the role of traditional values: A longitudinal study in China.Journal of Applied Psychology, 2008,93(4): 831-848.
(Database: ABI/INFORM Global) Abstract Only
3、Jia Lin Xie, Jean-Paul Roy, Ziguang Chen.Cultural and individual differences in self-rating behavior: an extension and refinement of the cultural relativity hypothesis.Journal of Organizational Behavior, 2006,27(3): 341-364. (Database:Wiley InterScience)
4、Jia Lin Xie, Ziguang Chen, Jean-Paul Roy.Cultural and personality determinants of leniency in self-rating among Chinese people. Management and Organization Review, 2006,2(2): 181-207. (Database:Wiley InterScience)
5、Jia Lin Xie.Festo (China) Ltd.'s Qiu Hualai on success of foreign enterprises in China.Thunderbird International Business Review, 2001,43(5): 617-624. (Database:Wiley InterScience)
6、John Schaubroeck, James R. Jones, Jia Lin Xie.Individual Differences in Utilizing Control to Cope With Job Demands: Effects on Susceptibility to Infectious Disease. Journal of Applied Psychology, 2001,86(2): 265-278. (Database: EBSCO BSP) Abstract Only
7、Jia Lin Xie, Gary Johns.Interactive effects of absence culture salience and group cohesiveness: A multi-level and cross-level analysis of work absenteeism in the Chinese context. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 2000,73(1): 31-52. (Database: EBSCO ASP)
8、A. R. Elangovan, Jia Lin Xie.Effects of perceived power of supervisor on subordinate work attitudes. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 2000,21(6): 319-328. (Database: ABI/INFORM Global) HTML Full Text
9、John Schaubroeck, Jia Lin Xie, Simon S. K. Lam.Collective efficacy versus self-efficacy in coping responses to stressors and control: A cross-cultural study. Journal of Applied Psychology, 2000,85(4): 512-525.
(Database: ABI/INFORM Global) Abstract Only
10、A. R. Elangovan, Jia Lin Xie.Effects of perceived power of supervisor on subordinate stress and motivation: The moderating role of subordinate characteristics. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 1999,20(3): 359-373. (Database:Wiley InterScience)
11、Gary Johns, Jia Lin Xie.Perceptions of absence from work: People's Republic of China versus Canada. Journal of Applied Psychology, 1998,83(4): 515-530. (Database: ABI/INFORM Global) Abstract Only
12、Jia Lin Xie, Glen Whyte.Gender Differences Among Managers and Nonmanagers: An Analysis of Assessment Data.Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 1997,14(3): 340-353. (Database:Wiley InterScience)
13、Jia Lin Xie.The Management of Human Resources in Chinese Industry. Industrial & Labor Relations Review, 1997,50(3): 533-534. (Database: ABI/INFORM Global)
14、Jia Lin Xie.Karasek's model in the People's Republic of China: Effects of job demands, control, and individual differences.AcademyofManagementJournal, 1996,39(6): 1594-1618. (Database: EBSCO BSP)
15、Jia Lin Xie, Gary Johns.Job scope and stress: Can job scope be too high?.AcademyofManagementJournal, 1995,38(5): 1288-1309. (Database: ABI/INFORM Global)
16、Jia Lin Xie.Research on Chinese organizational behavior and human resource management: Conceptual and methodological considerations. Advances in International Comparative Management, 1995(10): 15-42.
(Database: ABI/INFORM Global) Abstract Only
17、Jia Lin Xie, Muhammad Jamal.The Type A experience: Stress, job-related attitudes and non-work behavior: A study of managers in China. International Journal of Management, 1993,10(3): 351-360.
(Database: ABI/INFORM Global) Abstract Only
18、Gary Johns, Jia Lin Xie, Yongqing Fang.Mediating and Moderating Effects in Job Design. Journal of Management, 1992,18(4): 657-676. (Database: ABI/INFORM Global)