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2009年6月18日讲座者Richard G. Sloan发表学术期刊论文索引


Title/AffiliationL. H. Penney Professor of Accounting,HaasSchoolofBusiness,UniversityofCalifornia,Berkeley

Email[email protected]

Research Interests:The relation between accounting information and stock returns,Earnings management,The role of analysts and auditors as information intermediaries

Journal Articles


1、Reuven Lehavy, Richard G. Sloan.Investor recognition and stock returns. Review of Accounting Studies, 2008,13(2/3): 327-361. (Database:Springer Standard Collection)

2、Patricia M. Dechow, Scott A. Richardson, Richard G. Sloan.The Persistence and Pricing of the Cash Component of Earnings. Journal of Accounting Research, 2008,46(3): 537-566. (Database:EBSCO BSP)


3、Mark T. Bradshaw, Scott A. Richardson, Richard G. Sloan.The relation between corporate financing activities, analysts' forecasts and stock returns. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2006,42(1/2): 53-85.

(Database:Elsevier ScienceDirect Complete)

4、Scott A. Richardson, Richard G. Sloan, Mark T. Soliman, Irem Tuna.The Implications of Accounting Distortions and Growth for Accruals and Profitability. The Accounting Review, 2006,81(3): 713-743. (Database:EBSCO BSP)


5、Scott A. Richardson, Richard G. Sloan, Mark T. Soliman, Irem Tuna.Accrual reliability, earnings persistence and stock prices. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2005,39(3): 437-485.

(Database:Elsevier ScienceDirect Complete)


6、Patricia M. Dechow, Richard G. Sloan, Mark T. Soliman.Implied Equity Duration: A New Measure of Equity Risk. Review of Accounting Studies, 2004,9(2/3): 197-228. (Database:ABI/INFORM Global)


7、Douglas J. Skinner, Richard G. Sloan.Earnings Surprises, Growth Expectations, and Stock Returns or Don't Let an Earnings Torpedo Sink Your Portfolio. Review of Accounting Studies, 2002,7(2/3): 289-312.

(Database:ABI/INFORM Global)

8、Sanjeev Bhojraj, Charles M. C. Lee, Richard G. Sloan.Who is my peer? A valuation-based approach to the selection of comparable firms / Discussion. Journal of Accounting Research, 2002,40(2): 441-444.

(Database:EBSCO BSP)

9、Mark T. Bradshaw, Richard G. Sloan.GAAP versus the Street: An empirical assessment of two alternative definitions of earnings. Journal of Accounting Research, 2002,40(1): 41-66. (Database:EBSCO BSP)


10、Richard G. Sloan.Financial accounting and corporate governance: a discussion. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2001,32(1/3): 335-347. (Database:Elsevier ScienceDirect Complete)

11、Patricia M. Dechow, Amy P. Hutton, Lisa Meulbroek, Richard G. Sloan.Short-sellers, fundamental analysis, and stock returns. Journal of Financial Economics, 2001,61(1): 77-106. (Database:Elsevier ScienceDirect Complete)

12、Mark T. Bradshaw, Scott A. Richardson, Richard G. Sloan.Do analysts and auditors use information in accruals?.Journal of Accounting Research, 2001,39(1): 45-74. (Database:EBSCO BSP)

13、Richard G. Sloan.Discussion of: "Contextual Fundamental Analysis Through the Prediction of Extreme Returns".Review of Accounting Studies, 2001,6(2/3): 191-195. (Database:ABI/INFORM Global)


14、Patricia M. Dechow, Amy P. Hutton, Richard G. Sloan.The relation between analysts' forecasts of long-term earnings growth and stock price performance following equity offerings. Contemporary Accounting Research, 2000,17(1): 1-32. (Database:EBSCO BSP)


15、Patricia M. Dechow, Amy P. Hutton, Richard G. Sloan.An empirical assessment of the residual income valuation model. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 1999,26(1/3): 1-34. (Database:Elsevier ScienceDirect Complete)

16、Richard G. Sloan.Evaluating the reliability of current value estimates. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 1999,26(1/3): 193-200. (Database:Elsevier ScienceDirect Complete)

17、Richard G. Sloan.Discussion of ''Accruals, Cash Flows and Equity Values''. Review of Accounting Studies, 1999,4(3/4): 231-234. (Database:ABI/INFORM Global)


18、Srinivasan Rangan, Richard G. Sloan.Implications of the integral approach to quarterly reporting for the post-earnings-announcement drift. The Accounting Review, 1998,73(3): 353-371. (Database:EBSCO BSP)


19、Patricia M. Dechow, Richard G. Sloan.Returns to contrarian investment strategies: Tests of naive expectations hypotheses. Journal of Financial Economics, 1997,43(1): 3-27. (Database:Elsevier ScienceDirect Complete)


20、Richard G. Sloan.Do stock prices fully reflect information in accruals and cash flows about future earnings?.The Accounting Review, 1996,71(3): 289-315. (Database:EBSCO BSP)

21、Patricia M. Dechow, Richard G. Sloan, Amy P. Sweeney.Causes and consequences of earnings manipulations: An analysis of firms subject to enforcement actions by the SEC. Contemporary Accounting Research, 1996,13(1): 1-36. (Database:EBSCO BSP)

22、Patricia M. Dechow, Amy P. Hutton, Richard G. Sloan.Economic consequences of accounting for stock-based compensation. Journal of Accounting Research, 1996,34(3): 1-20. (Database:EBSCO BSP)


23、Robert W. Holthausen, David F. Larcker, Richard G. Sloan.Business unit innovation and the structure of executive compensation. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 1995,19(2/3): 279-313.

(Database:Elsevier ScienceDirect Complete)

24、Robert W. Holthausen, David F. Larcker, Richard G. Sloan.Annual bonus schemes and the manipulation of earnings. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 1995,19(1): 29-74. (Database:Elsevier ScienceDirect Complete)

25、Patricia M. Dechow, Richard G. Sloan, Amy P. Sweeney.Detecting earnings management. The Accounting Review, 1995,70(2): 193-225. (Database:EBSCO BSP)

26、S. P. Kothari, Jay Shanken, Richard G. Sloan.Another look at the cross-section of expected stock returns. The Journal of Finance, 1995,50(1): 185-224. (Database:EBSCO BSP)


27、Patricia M Dechow, Mark R. Huson, Richard G. Sloan.The effect of restructuring charges on executives' cash compensation. The Accounting Review, 1994,69(1): 138-156. (Database:ABI/INFORM Global)

28、Daniel W. Collins, S. P. Kothari, Jay Shanken, Richard G. Sloan.Lack of timeliness and noise as explanations for the low contemporaneuos return-earnings association. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 1994,18(3): 289-324. (Database:Elsevier ScienceDirect Complete) Abstract Only


29、Richard G. Sloan.Accounting earnings and top executive compensation. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 1993,16(1/3): 55-100. (Database:Elsevier ScienceDirect Complete) Abstract Only


30、S. P. Kothari, Richard G. Sloan.Information in prices about future earnings : Implications for earnings response coefficients. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 1992,15(2/3): 143-171.

(Database:Elsevier ScienceDirect Complete) Abstract Only


31、Patricia M. Dechow, Richard G. Sloan.Executive incentives and the horizon problem : An empirical investigation. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 1991,14(1): 51-89.

(Database:Elsevier ScienceDirect Complete) Abstract Only


32、Richard G. Sloan.Bonus Issues, Share Splits and Ex-Day Share Price Behavior: Australian Evidence.Australian Journal of Management, 1987,12(2): 277-292. (Database:EBSCO BSP)
