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2009年6月11日讲座者Xie Jinhong发表学术期刊论文索引


Title/AffiliationJ.C. Penny Professor,Department of Marketing,WarringtonCollegeofBusiness,UniversityofFlorida

Email[email protected]

Research Interests:Emerging technology and service strategy,social networks,word of mouth communication,technology and fashion,independent product information,internet marketing,network effects and standards competition,new product,national culture effect

Journal Articles


1、Scott Fay, Jinhong Xie.Probabilistic Goods: A Creative Way of Selling Products and Services. Marketing Science. Linthicum:Jul/Aug 2008,27(4): 674-690. (Database:Highwire Press Informs)

2、Yubo Chen, Jinhong Xie.Online Consumer Review: Word-of-Mouth as a New Element of Marketing Communication Mix. Management Science, 2008,54(3): 477-491. (Database:Highwire Press Informs)


3、Yuxin Chen, Jinhong Xie.Cross-Market Network Effect with Asymmetric Customer Loyalty: Implications for Competitive Advantage. Marketing Science, 2007,26(1): 52-66. (Database:ABI/INFORM Global)

4、Jinhong Xie, Eitan Gerstner.Service Escape: Profiting from Customer Cancellations. Marketing Science, 2007,26(1): 18-30. (Database:ABI/INFORM Global)


5、Amitav Chakravarti, Jinhong Xie.The Impact of Standards Competition on Consumers: Effectiveness of Product Information and Advertising Formats. Journal of Marketing Research, 2006,43(2): 224-236.

(Database:EBSCO BSP)


6、Steven M. Shugan, Jinhong Xie.Advance-selling as a competitive marketing tool. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 2005,22(3): 351-373. (Database:Elsevier ScienceDirect Complete)

7、Yubo Chen, Jinhong Xie.Third-Party Product Review and Firm Marketing Strategy. Marketing Science, 2005,24(2): 218-240. (Database:Highwire Press Informs)

8、Eyal Biyalogorsky, Eitan Gerstner, Dan Weiss, Jinhong Xie.The Economics of Service Upgrades. Journal of Service Research, 2005,7(3): 234-244. (Database:ABI/INFORM Global)


9、Steven M. Shugan, Jinhong Xie.Advance Selling for Services. California Management Review, 2004,46(3): 37-54. (Database:EBSCO BSP)

10、Baohong Sun, Jinhong Xie, H. Henry Cao.Product Strategy for Innovators in Markets with Network Effects. Marketing Science, 2004,23(2): 243-254. (Database:ABI/INFORM Global)


11、Jinhong Xie, Michael Song, Anne Stringfellow.Antecedents and consequences of goal incongruity on new product development in five countries: A marketing view. The Journal of Product Innovation Management, 2003,20(3): 233-250. (Database:EBSCO BSP)


12、Jinhong Xie, Steven M. Shugan.Electronic tickets, smart cards, and online prepayments: When and how to advance sell. Marketing Science, 2001,20(3): 219-243. (Database:ABI/INFORM Global)

13、Michael Song, Jinhong Xie, C. Anthony Di Benedetto.Message and source factors, market uncertainty, and extrafunctional information processing: Hypotheses and empirical evidence. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2001,48(2): 223-238. (Database:IEEE Xplore)


14、Steven M. Shugan, Jinhong Xie.Advance pricing of services and other implications of separating purchase and consumption. Journal of Service Research, 2000,2(3): 227-239. (Database:ABI/INFORM Global)

15、Michael Song, Jinhong Xie.Does innovativeness moderate the relationship between cross-functional integration and product performance?. Journal of International Marketing, 2000,8(4): 61-89. (Database:ABI/INFORM Global)

16、X. Michael Song, Jinhong Xie, Barbara Dyer.Antecedents and Consequences of Marketing Managers’ Conflict Handling Behaviors.Journal of Marketing, 2000,64(1): 50-66. (Database:EBSCO BSP)


17、Jinhong Xie, X. Michael Song, Anne Stringfellow.Interfuntional conflict, conflict resolution styles, and new product success: A four-culture comparison. Management Science, 1998,44(12) Part 2: S192-S220.

(Database:ABI/INFORM Global)

18、X. Michael Song, R. Jeffrey Thieme, Jinhong Xie.The impact of cross-functional joint involvement across product development stages: An exploratory study. The Journal of Product Innovation Management, 1998,15(4): 289-303. (Database:Wiley InterScience)


19、Jinhong Xie, X. Michael Song, Marvin Sirbu, Qiong Wang.Kalman Filter estimation of new product diffusion models. Journal of Marketing Research, 1997,34(3): 378-393. (Database:ABI/INFORM Global)


20、Jinhong Xie, Marvin Sirbu.Price competition and compatibility in the presence of positive demand externalities.Management Science, 1995,41(5): 909-926. (Database:EBSCO BSP)
