Title/Affiliation:Associate Professor,National Tsinghua University,Institute of Technology Management,Hsingchu,Taiwan
Email:[email protected]
Research Interests:Patents,National innovation system,Innovation networks,Innovation capability
Journal Articles
1、Mei-Chih Hu, John A. Mathews.Estimating the innovation effects of university-industry-government linkages: The case of Taiwan.Journal of Management & Organization, 2009,15(2):138-154. (Database:ABI/INFORM Global)
2、Mei-Chih Hu.Developing Entrepreneurial Universities in Taiwan: The Effects of Research Funding Sources.Science Technology and Society, 2009,14(1): 35-57. (Database:Sage Premier 2008)
3、Mei-Chih Hu.Knowledge flows and innovation capability: The patenting trajectory of Taiwan's thin film transistor-liquid crystal display industry. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2008,75(9): 1423-1438. (Database:Elsevier ScienceDirect Complete)
4、Mei-Chih Hu, John A. Mathews.China's national innovative capacity. Research Policy, 2008,37(9): 1465-1479. (Database:Elsevier ScienceDirect Complete)
5、Connie Zheng, Mei-Chih Hu.Challenge to ICT manpower planning under the economic restructuring: Empirical evidence from MNCs in Singapore and Taiwan. Technological Forecasting and Social Change,2008,75(6):834-853. (Database:Elsevier ScienceDirect Complete)
6、Mark Dodgson, John Mathews, Tim Kastelle, Mei-Chih Hu.The evolving nature of Taiwan's national innovation system: The case of biotechnology innovation networks. Research Policy, 2008,37(3): 430-445.
(Database:Elsevier ScienceDirect Complete)
7、Ho-Don Yan,Mei-Chih Hu.Strategic Entrepreneurship and the Growth of the Firm: The Case of Taiwan's Bicycle Industry.Global Business and Economics Review, 2008,10(1): 11-34. (Database:EconLit) Abstract Only
8、John A. Mathews, Mei-Chih Hu.Enhancing the Role of Universities in Building National Innovative Capacity in Asia: The Case of Taiwan. World Development, 2007,35(6):1005-1020.
(Database:Elsevier ScienceDirect Complete)
9、Mei-Chih Hu, Chun-Yao Tseng.Technological interdependence and knowledge diffusion in the building of national innovative capacity: The role of Taiwan's chemical industry. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2007,74(3): 298-312. (Database:Elsevier ScienceDirect Complete)
10、Mei-chi Hu,Connie Zheng,David Lamond.Recruitment and retention of ICT skills among MNCs in Taiwan. Chinese Management Studies, 2007,1(2): 78-92. (Database:ABI/INFORM Global)
11、Mei-Chih Hu, John A. Mathews.National innovative capacity in East Asia. Research Policy, 2005,34(9): 1322-1349. (Database:Elsevier ScienceDirect Complete)