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The Road to Success----1997 IMBA Wang Jinsong


Interview Time: June 3, 18:00—21:00

Interview Place: Tsinghua University

Interviewee: Wang Jinsong

Interviewer: Li Zuoliang

Brief Introduction to Wang Jinsong:

? Born in 1971

? Studied in Tsinghua University from 1997 to 1999----thepilot classof IMBA program in Tsinghua

? Worked inSeagramfrom 1999 to 2002

? Worked inNESTLEfrom 2002 to current

Summary ofInterview

Question: Why did you plan MBA several years ago? And why did you select Tsinghua and IMBA?

Answer:[Wang, Arthur, Beijing, CPW(Creal Partner Worldwide, a division of Nestle] My decision of running for an MBA degree was pretty much "accidental".In the spring of 1996, I found an used book but looked new when I went bookstore, which was MBA exam textbook. Then I read it for several minutes and decided to attend the MBA exam. I didn’t know what kind of person the author was, but from the English level of the content, I saw the author’s English is not good----after the English sentence of“who are you?”, there was an Chinese explanation“户阿油”!It was funnier than shock to me. One person who’s English was so poor knew MBA, why I don not? Then made a serious decision----to prepare for MBA.

Accidental reason backed by inexorable factor: in my childhood, my father told me some great stories about Harvard MBAs, therefore, they had been my model when I was very young.

But once I made this decision, I found that it was such a wise decision. Why Tsinghua? Very simple reason: it was the best Business School in China. Why IMBA? Simple again: because I was told then it was more demanding in terms of personal quality (scores, English and money etc.).

Question: Tell something about yourself please, such as your 1styear in MBA study, the most impressive job and your 1stjob and so on.

Answer:[Wang, Arthur, Beijing, CPW] My first year in this MBA program was very busy in reading materials and doing homeworks. Pretty much "academic", though MBA program itself never an "academic" subject. But this "academic" knowledge helps a lot in my later work. Though you can not rely on "theories" to help you achieve business targets, these theories help you organize clear and logic thinking. Clearly, reasonable and logic thinking is definitely a key factor for success in business scenarios.

I remember I did excellent homeworks in the subject of "Economy" (Mr. Chen Zhangwu was the teacher). Not because it was always correctly answered,but that I typed every word, sheet and chart of the homeworks. I believe most of my classmates did them by hand-writing, which was the common way we did homeworks at that time. It cost me many hours in front of computer (and much money to buy computer hours), but I would say it was truly a worthy thing. I am proud of it even now, because I realized at that time I should aim to a high standard, and uplifting the standard means much more hard work behind it. This is also a key in business environment: People with higher standards often win the market. Higher standards also equals to heavier back-screen works.

My first job was with Seagram Company Ltd., who specialized in alcohol beverages. The brands I handled include Chivas and Martell. I was a Marketing Executive for Chivas.

Question: What is the biggest difficulty in your study and work?

Answer:[Wang,Arthur,Beijing,CPW] In my study: most difficulty thing is to finish reading all the materials you were asked to read. I never finished; frankly, I think I read 50% of the materials, though I tried very hard. (Of course, sometimes a little lazy too).

In my work, difficulties mostly are about establishing reasonable and strong business arguments, and then together with the team produce wise business decisions.

Question: During the 2 years you studied for MBA degree, did you have a pressure from money? How did you solve it? Independently?

Answer:[Wang, Arthur, Beijing, CPW] During the program, I had no source of income. Was poor, but still happy. I borrowed money for the intuition. My wife-to-be at that time supported me for my living cost. As a family (my wife and me), yes, we were independent. As an individual, no.

Question: What are your selections when you finished your IMBA study? What is your biggest difficulty in your selecting job?

Answer:[Wang, Arthur, Beijing, CPW] I selected The Seagram Company Ltd. (施格兰公司) during 4 foreign companies. Exactly, they selected me, because I was one of 26 candidates who were offered the interviewing opportunity during the more than 1000 resumes and the only one who obtained the position. The salary package they gave finally was more than what I asked. After three years, one headhunter company visited me and provided the position now ofNestle Breakfast Cereals .

The biggest difficulty in my selecting job was the very limited information I knew about this company—Seagram. However, it was because I was unknown rather than the Seagram Company Ltd. was not famous. After my carefully investigation and survey, I found this company is the kind company appropriated to me.

Question: Who is your personal hero?

Answer:[Wang, Arthur, Beijing, and CPW] It changes all the time. For the time being, it shall be the head of "Super Girl" program, though I do not know his/her name. "Super Girl" programs are definitely the most outstanding/successful marketing event recently.

Question: How you feel about your current job? What's the most exciting part in your work?

Answer:[Wang, Arthur, Beijing, CPW] Job's nature is always something good, something bad. No comment here.

Question: What is your short-term goal and long-term goal?

Answer:[Wang, Arthur, Beijing, CPW] Short-term career goal: looking into chances for further developing marketing and sales capabilities.

Long-term goal: To seek for Commercial positions and then General Management positions.

Question: Do you think you were an excellent academic MBA student during those 2 years?

Answer:[Wang, Arthur, Beijing, CPW] Yes, I am.

Question: What is your routine time arrange? How many hours each week did you work in the past three years? Maybe 50 hours?

Answer:[Wang, Arthur, Beijing, CPW] In MBA study, I would say there was no routine time arrangement.

BTW(By the way), I prioritized participating in social activities.

As to working time, a little more than 50 hours per week maybe. No person who require you to work except 9:00 to 17:00 on workday. However, this is your career instead of only job and you want to do it not only good, but also excellent, even outstanding. Therefore, you want to finish one thing in time. On most of weekends, I work for one day and have a rest on the other day.

Question: During the current working environment, for example about your colleagues, how do you feel?

Answer: They areexcellent, almost all. Most of my colleagues have an oversea education background. One successful company, of course, has its own theory or secret. Frankly to say, I could study some thing during work----not everyday, but often.



Answer:[Wang, Arthur, Beijing, CPW] MBA program changed my career and then changed my life. However, this is only the appearance. In essence, it changed my eyesight and thinking way, therefore it lead to my more enriched life.

This is an impressive experience which Iam proud of and also a successful “investment”.

( MBA项目改变了我的职业,从而改变了我的人生.这是表面现象.实质上,它改变了我的眼光和思维方式,所以才有更丰富的人生.

