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11-12: 瑞士银行家联合会主席: Pierre G. Mirabaud: 金融危机后的瑞士银行业


【主讲】Pierre G. Mirabaud 瑞士银行家联合会(SBA)主席,

Senior Partner, Mirabaud & Cie,Geneva





【主办】金融系中国保险与风险管理研究中心 苏黎世金融服务集团

【简介】Pierre Mirabaud从2003年开始担任瑞士银行家协会主席

1990到1993年期间Pierre Mirabaud任瑞士私人银行家协会主席。到2003年他曾任akw资本和经济研究院)的董事,以及Avenir Suisse的管理委员会副主席。Pierre Mirabaud还是日内瓦国际机场的管理委员会成员,以及Quantum Endowment基金会的管理委员会主席,多个私人银行及基金会机构的财务顾问,他还是Pro Democratia基金会的创立人并任该基金会主席。

The presentation is in three parts, as follows:

1) Introduction to the Swiss financial centre;

2) Impact of the financial crisis on Swiss banks;

3) Introducing the Swiss Financial Sector Master Plan (a strategy for the whole Swiss financial sector until the year 2015)

After completing the federal school leaving examination in German in Canton Zug,

Pierre Mirabaud graduated in business administration from theUniversityofGenevain 1972. He then held various positions in Paris (Banque Rivaud SA),New York(Morgan Guaranty Trust), Chicago (Blunt Ellis & Loewi) andGeneva(Swiss Bank Corporation).

He joined the private bankers Mirabaud & Cie in 1976 where he holds various leading

positions. He became Partner in 1979 and Senior Partner in 1995.

Pierre Mirabaud took over as Chairman of the Swiss Bankers Association in September 2003.

Pierre Mirabaud chaired the Swiss Private Bankers Association from 1990 to 1993.

Until 2003 he was Director of the Working Group Capital & Economy akw., as well as

Vice-Chairman of the Board of Avenir Suisse. He is a Member of the Board of Geneva

International Airport, Chairman of the Board of Quantum Endowment Fund NV, financial advisor to various private and institutional foundations as well as Founder and Chairman of the Pro Democratia foundation.
